"Not for several years have New Trier voter. had à choice of candi- dates at the county judicial election,' Mrs. Edward B. Hall, president of the Womens'sRepubican Club of New Trier, told the board,:of direct- osof the orgèhnization at .its mheet- ing, last Monday. "'And Our candi-, dates- committee.:is -investigating darefully and' thoroughly the quali-. fications of each candidate for the bench." With the Judicial élection coming on'Monday, June 5, 'the club has called a general meeting to consider endorsing candidates for the twenty places to» be filled on. the Circuit court of Cook county and six places on the Superior ýcourt:of Cook coun- ty. *John Nuveen, Jr.., 520 Warwick road, was re-elected president ôf the organization, 'and A. B. Carlson, 118 Oxford road, is the vice-president. C. M. Osborn, 645 Meirose avenue. acts as secretary by virtue of his office as village manager. The' Kenilworth Citizen.' Advisoryr committee Is composed of represerat-