716 Elni St. I Coeiudt wit a rcialble bol svcitect or realtoe and Jea mf Just bow much you g bmoe-buildlng, .home-buy -f f.M V ffU W. render prompt serv typs of &st hmortgage fion iReal iEstae Boards in. 1in In either a homesite or a home Jyou get far more for your dollar "~" ~' today than you did tenyears ago. And .a like, favorable comparison ) * could be made with other periods. But it is true for more reasons than the 'obvious one that the depression and its' economic chaos brought à down real estate prices. These are mhe buider, somne of today's advantages over, amrfoeyour- pÈrv ious, years: e t for your, 1. ,Today's purchase level is not ring dollar. only Io w - as the man in the streets * knows. It is surrounded by a. series of factors which indicate, sofar as trained observers can .see, _a long-term upward. trend. in demand (assuming that we lbave no unpre- âceon 1l dictable catastrophic uphea val in Herbert U. Nelson l *à a general econarmic conditions). The:ý liOWt uift inteiîSt rats, with Uhawa1 i'eftmlment Iêhanafor on SuUwgi ~ renaningpurposeS. AproudWA MoarS eeg Patroswze Our 4d.verUhers real estate sales volum~e natonally " t'vu--ai irnt iononie &Vratev wnih I -gwç -lAaakra-sdý,i without interruption. The most re- 5. We are niaking progress toward cent index conipiled for the Nation-!I cutting doWn the construction cost al Association of Real Estate' of a home. This has corne bit by Boards shows sales volume now at bit from every direction. National 60 percent' of the 1926 rate, as building statistics show the average. against 48 percent a year. ago.j amoun.t that goes into the construc. SOutlook Je Healthy ýtion' of a single-famiîy dwelling get- 2. Earning power of residentialIting a little lower year by year. real estate has a healthy outlook. 1H lue 'show the same phe- Rerit trends, eiosely watched .by the nomena-. This is true despite this prospective home buyer, are show- ,further fact: witn the autn annuai convention at he Drake botel.. May 31, June 1. and 2 Onen, tô Public The, exhibit which* is.open to 1tbe pu blic without charge, is.,sponsored' jointly: by the -national, association and the ChicagoMaster Steam Fit- ters' .association. Mors than, 50 of the leading1 manu- faicturers of heating and air condi- tioning equipn-ent will Participate in the exposition at the Drake ho--' tel. George H.- Dickerson of 416,Sheri- dan ýroad. Kenilworth. is president of the Heating. Piping. and. Air Con-, d itioning Contra ctors National As- sociation. S. A. Pope is president of the Chicago Master Stearn Fit- ~ters' .-assoiation.'and -WillamV. exhibit committee. The purpose of the exhibit is to -aid the public in the selection of efficient and economuŽcal heating ai-d air conditloning equipment. M r. Hoier explains. Home Comfort Show The exhibit will be a. complete home comfort show with many dis- plays of the latest types orf Ihoilers 011 Boliers& Distrlb- aII. b r PAT. @Pp ment 1*0jJLLVILlJ LIt~inthe:lte buinssrecession butilsupply with the' same boiler that ,rate they averaged back in 1926. have lèveled off again, are nowa heats the house will :also .be em- Apartment rents are stili at flot quite 90 percent of their al-time peak. phasized in the exhib its. 65 percent of that rate. 7. With ail the very real advanc cl ___ 3. Interest rates are the lowest ' aemkginbidn te-inarlr prosoorctybi- we have ever known, and the long-' niqesare mek n budinfgrmed a -toing.rirprosoforct ul- term amortized mortgage gives the nius.h e et nomda oig most favorable and safest form of what is going on in the experiment- It should be noted that in respect financing that bas ever b-cen avail, ai laboratories, of America today, to older bouses our présent very able Supos th hom buer isin the home building field agree that favorable conditions in respect to abl. upos te hmebueristhere is flot hing in sight -z- either mrgg condi.tions may not be rnaking -equal annual payments of mrgg tint., A 7 UtNtKAL MUK 1 N V E S T M E N T S 1 @m@@mmmý