1- 'A WINN.B 882 Uimi 883 AVUR of BOOKS for Boy and Girls lin G rad e S c o '; Hilgh Scboi or Collage sisters andcI-fler cdeceaseG flughand's brothers have been waiting for the returni of the eldest son, Harry, »ta ta]ké cornmahd of the estate. They aealwàiting for Harry's return, this great family-a soldier froin, India, a London clubmnan, people from the suburbs, the country and the college. They are talking about Harry and his wite, and of ber strange death, and wondering how tbey can best show Harry their syni- pathy. Harry arrives, and is hautt ed by ghosts. The particular gbosts he sees aIl about hlm are the family sins. ais father.had wished to mur- der bis mother, and Harry himself had pushed bis wife overboard, or Fild Photo nl nng>lil,â decorating, and several selections of poetey. One, BeVerley Nichols' flrst novel in'many years, is bas ed on bis ex- periences while producing his ownm musical show in London, and con- cerns the antics of a completely mad musical1 comedy cast perceived, in their unguarded backstage moments. Entitled Revue, it was published May 19. Dgipbne's Sister Angela du Maurier, older sister of the author of Rebecca, has written a novel called The Perplexed.' leart (the titie is from a verse'by Rupert >)sts ofthtAe and Harry new world. iplay, with se.an na L taeni4JfeUw4L&iJ& meJimagist move- ment. He has also published biography, and autobiography. frieidily vicomte whôse daughter-in- law is kindness itself, and more. (The Captain is flot only a valorQus, but is also a romantic gentleman.) Everythiniz'turnqns u a t W houu1A Us'IU* 1-* unavi iN4w A oJL IwW places, has finished Decorat:ng Is Fun, ber handbook for the layman. According to Mrs. Draper, anyone with a few grains of common sense and. ordinary good taste can niake a home livable and have funi doing it. American Theme Cor??, Paul Engle's new book of versés, which Doubledays published i iluileii ny tunrican witif 1memory to, îel of the play on an Oxford cricket teamn, ,Sir Wal- Engle is now lecturer in poetry at oper and the University of Iowa. ethe gai- A new book of v erse by V. Sack- bs hate ville-West was published May 19 by the Order Doubledays under the titie Solitude. ýrary col- mugit., I