The opening dinner dance of the seaion at Sunset Ridge. Country club is atudyee ning of. .this week. Dinner, wiil be served at 7, and music for dancing will be. played by. the Russ 'Wildey orchestra comnmencing at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. P. N. Sea, social chairmran. of the. Woman's executive board, cooperates with J.. Liston Nau, in charge of social plans for the men's committee, in makine arrangements for the evening. Assisting are Mrs. George Hîartnett. Mrs. A. W. -Meyer. Mrs. KarI Kopke and her commit- tee. white guils which, in bright sunlight flashed llke pieces of shiny white paper, blown, by a breeze, wasth backdrop for the delightful ' tulip tea Mrs. Charles White: Wrigley gave last Friday afternoon a t Wil- Iowbank," her home -in Canterbury :court in Wilmette. liHer guests strolled across her a.paclous lawn to enjoy beautifully planted tulips in many colors, the view of the lake, limited only by' the horizon, the charm-of a cluster of, lilac blos.soms accented by the blue ofthe lake. In the house, fiower filled, with. iose who have made res- white lilacs, hules of the valley, and, ar not .qturdv niht other flowers of sî,ring, they gath- and Mrs. J. Liston Nau. Mr. and, Mrs. James B. Long are host and hostees for a party of five, and Mr. and 'Mrs. P. N. Sea to a party of four. Still ôther reservations have been made, by Mr. and Mrs. 'George placed on the t at each end v crystal v as e White tapersi completed the The friends invited to pour 1 able andfa nned 1quaint gold and valley-lily-filled., silver' candelabra ,rangement. tom Mrs. Wrigley iring the tea hours n-ew and in Kenil 17. Foll board n held. )d boards at lier home crth Wednesdai,, May ving luncheon the last eting of the year was The summer season at the North Shore Country club will1 have its officiai opening Saturday night of this week with, a dinner dance. Ha-. 'waian - night the.event fis labelled, with Joe Rudolph's orchestra sup- plying, the music,ý ànd a floor ýshow feature with Hawaiian strollers and native dancers- providing the enter- ta jument. On >.Memorial,,day golf ev ents for men will be balanced by bridge for the *womnen and garnes- and com-, munity singing for children. The women golfers of North, Shore will' have their first Guest day on- June 6. At that Urne Helen DetwXeiller of Washington, D. C., will be the club's. guest for lunch-~ eon and ini the afternoon will give a golf demonstration. 'Tuésday of this week the w.orn en' s golf math resulted in Mrs. H. P. -Saunders winnirgignl Class A; Mrs. W. F. Lucke, Class B; Mrs. O. C. Thogerson. Class C;- and Mrs. Lewis R. Sams, Class D.. Mrs. Andrew Collins was victor i the putting contest. *eon on Tuesaay, Miay 3u, witiunen eon at 1 and bridge at 2. Prizes wifl include one for each table, and players will have a pivot game. Mrs. C. G. Bennett i8 chairmnan of the bridge committee. Hostesses will be Mrs. R~oy Belknap.of Glen- view and Miss Mary Louise Paxson. of Evanston. $hop Choirmn The Wilmette Golf club will cele- brate the official opening of its social season with a dinner dance oni Saturday evening, May 27, for members and their guests. Art Goldsmith and his Casino orchestra wil play for the dancing and will entertami. Arranzements for the nart-v sare May zu. wIL ia ffr golf as. tne cnief diversion over the comin g week-end and Memorial day. Women merubers wilI assemble at the club Tuesday afternoon for a. round of bridge while their husband s are competing in the Memorial daY tournament. Other bridge parties are planned for every Saturday dur- 111