Frank Knok, editor and publisher of the Chicago Daily News and 'one of the 1936 candidates for the Re- publican presidential nomination, will also speak, and other prominent Chicagoans will take part. Clifford W. Barnes, president of the club, will act as presiding chairman, Dr. Ralph Wakefield, president of the Chicago Church Federation and Judge John P. McGoorty of the Su- perior Court will have places on the program. The Rev. T. F. Dornblas- er. 99 year old veteran of the G.A.R., the great throng of comrades v fllled the main floor of Orchestra h at the club's first Decoration D service in 1908. Guests of Honor this occasion, they will occupy 1 first seats in the auditorium. Th entrance to the hall will be nounced by trumpeters frorn the will be one of tne most outstanums5 and colorful in the city's large list of Decoration Day observances. A great patriotic music program, preceding the address, will be one of the features of the meeting. Par- ticipating in this event are the Wing Choru sf the Air Corps at Chanute I I ,