s, Dan on du Hale. of Burnera 1141.&REENLEAP AVENUE PIIONE WILMETT 221> REA» THE WANT ADS HONO1WD AT MARQUETTE Miss Eugenia*. Marie' Sherry, daughtér of Mr. -and Mrs.- William Sherry of 1520 walniit avenue, Wzil- mette, a sophomore in the Marquette college of liberal afts in Milwaukee, waschoena memnber of the ad- inistrative staff in charge of mem- bership registration for the univer- sity Sodality, Accordmfg to college announcemnent. Fral1efl~[~ ~jJiiiIiJ~sow j council, paid a tribute to mothers. This was followed by the, scout tri),- ute by Scout Norman S4%hwartz T7roop 104, Wauken. à Sea Scout, DeY Watts, of Ship 21, Glencoe. then spoke in behalf. of the Seïa Scouts and Senior Scouts of the North Shore Area council. The response for the mothers was made, by Mrs. Kenneth L.FOX' of Glencoe. 1The address of the afternoon was made by Rabbi Charles E. Shulman of the North Shore Congregation Is- rael. The, closing exercises conisist- ed of the. dedication 'through ýthej Scout oath. led by Ed Weigle, patrol leader of the Explorer patrol of Troop 2 of Wilznette , this bein theI Charles Becken, Laurenc~e Geraurd. Albert Journeay, Fenton KelIey, Earl Roe,. Howard Walgren. Troopià Evan, Drummond, David Erièkson, Egarle Ludg.an, Jim .Schwietert. Troop 20 Glenn Haves, Kenineth Mullins, John Splnk, Bill Zepp. TrOp22 Stuart Adamson, Paul Byrne, Ben Cal-. lawây, John, Clinnin, Dion Handey,. Joe Klee, Jack Mack, Don Mosser, John Massen, David Musson. George Shannon, Jerry Swan, Wesley. Svkes, Lee Thomnas. Jack Whitted, Oliver William.. Troop 23 Ted Barnett,, Jack Blackburn. Jinm Blackburn, George Conn, Bill Kahh., Da- vid loeper.,.Mitchell Lewis, Richard Oison, Stuart Oisont. There is stilli room for a smnall -number of Scouts for both the first andý second period's,' but Scouts, At Deerfield you wil mid the nanles of each variety plainly labeled so that you caau Ieorn to know tulips. Publie Cordialiy l4viied FRANUEN BRQS.. mc. L -day and PHONf ~TeCamp FfireJ 1 it Themeeting, this week was spent iulin preparing the trail .seeker's and ovrwoodgatherér's tests. Dates for :Wsthesê tests are May 17 and May 18. ting. Ail tests must be taken èîther of CI-OOSE? discussed for Camp Details will be ar- 'r) Saturdai, Nature Rike Oay 6, the grci s near the La ti OSo end Nursries- D.effeid. Phone Deerlield ý36 I We ( drove Wood flot undE ke error. L /-,