Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1939, p. 46

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Mary Crane Nursery league.- AI- though, the tea ii. especiaiiy planned to celebrate the -foirmation of a new chapteýrin Higbland Park a nd we L- corne these newcomers, ail memibers of the league have the privýilege of iflvitinig guests.- With the time set and initial plans lormulated for 'the- annual Sriow Bail to be held thé first Saturday in December, the league, its president, Mrs. W. Van der Vort Gathany haâs announced, will cease ail activities *after the tea fora sùmnmer's rest well earned after a'busy, and more- successful-ýthan-usual season. Three of the chapters have been occupied with m e e t i n izs h Friday of this week, the Kenil- worth chapter will meet for lunch- eon at 1 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. M. B. Salisbury, 608 Eariston road. Keniiworth, with Mrs. F. J. Schmidt Co-hostess. The occasion wiil be a busiiess meeting with sewing for the summer camp to be completed. eon. Members ari twenty-nlne s u nE which the children w the rnonth of June. Its for attendi N ew Board for iBernie i'nc Mrs. George Haneman, 561 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, social chairman of the North Shore alumnae of Chi Omega, is in chargie of reservations for the annual May break fast the group is having Sunday, May 21, at il o'clock in the morning' at Shaw- Luncheon Is'May Meeting For Sigma Chi Mothers The Sigma Chii Mother's club will hoid its May meeting and luncheon on Monçay, May 22, at the home of Mrs. Howard Detmar, 555 Bobolink day' Club, First National Bank Ms eo hio f10Hro Building, Chicago,, to discuss the $14,- street, Glencoe, was. elected to the 000,000 building program pianned for presidency of the North Shore aium- the engineering coileges.. This huge. nae of Alpha Phi at the annual deveIopment 1,illgreatiy, chang e the business mieetinYg and reunion Satur- appearançe of h taacmu day, May. 13; at 'the Chaptor hus and interest among. the a lumbni runs at Northwestern university. high. Supporting, her on the new -boar.d This, affair, W.hiich. is expected to attract between 150 to;200 men, wiii start With a dinner at which Colonel, Robert Isham Randoiph wili be toastmaster. ,Three speakers !are coming to Chicago, fromn the--univer- sity:, H. Wallace Peters o! the ciass - of 1914'who is the new prov ost and recentIy retired from the vice-pres- rioms ULr, i meLci- ing at Corneli. Ar- ýn New York is the tremendous project. ommittee in charge rogram is headed by ing of Chicago, with te, Fred C. Wood, o! th B. B F. l Wili; Heurs of Fiesta are, Miss, Frances Cutier- of V1 nù-tUe,-ie-presdent; Mr-s.*.James F. Abbott of Highland Park, continu-ý .ing as secretary;' Mrs. Ja mes W. Barton, retiring president who will assume the treasurership; and Mrs. R., Fý- .: Bookby o! Evanston,. ,a S Quarteriy correspondent Miss -Eni- ly Carlisle of Evanston, asSisted hy Mrs.- C. L. Burnham, of Winn!etkaý. is chairman o! publicity.. The newiy elected members of the Chpe ous bar~d woere,aJ. an- riounced. Mrs. Harold Tideman of Keniiworth was chosen president; M&rs. A. J. Huss of, Evanston, vice- president; Mrs. Ira Wèstbrook of Evanston. secretary; Mrs. Robert Aooden of Winnetka continues as house manager; Mi ss Frances Schei- denheim of Wiimette, as chairman of the bouse committee. Mrs. E. L. Miles of Evanston is the newly elect- ed chairman of the ways and' means sion. Juese smail groups, organizèd under separate chairmen, are meet- ing in the homes o! members for better acquaintance with each other as welI as for philanthropie enter- prises of various sorts. Ail groups wvj1I join in the four or five large Alpha Phi alumnae functions during the year. The following have hb.en cG,t-t-r for ne'. "Mbeil

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