Smort littie wash suits in popi,, broadcloth, or piq'ue. Somne wifh itfle whitgiicolla rs. A selection of blue, white, yellow, powder blue, dubonnet, brown. Szesi to 3: 2 to6., 1.00, 1.65. eand.1.95 For Sun Babies Adorable' little sunsifit for you r ofhspingi ano of col'ors. Choice of 'Cool, dotted swss, seersucker or dimiy. Sizes I to 3. 1.65 to .95 Sunsuils for Pay. Trim seersu4cicer and,*shantung sunsudts. Strpes of red, brown, navy. in sizes 2 to 6. Polo.Shrts of seersuclcer or cotton knit, siz es 2 tà 8. 59c For Sunday Best She'l) look nfke a li*+e princess in this adorable en semble, consisiing of dot-Ieçd swiss 4ress and,, .mthj.ig p qu oat and bonnet. Pnk, yellow, wie. Sizes 1 to 3. 3.95 and 4.95 Sonny Rates 'Handmades' Nothng4-issy about brothers sunsuit yet if's compiétely handmade. Cut for' cool comnfort and freedomn; i n all pastel shades. Sizes 1 to 3; 2 to 6. 1.00 aid 1.25 Handmnade Dresses Mother will want severat of these.handmnade toddlers Cunninq lttle bonnets gayly trmrmed with lace or trimly tailored. Clice of dotted sw . ss or organdy. 65c to. I1.95 Carfer's Shirts with jiffon shoulder, and made of fine spun yarns, sommer weght. Sleeveless 39c-HaIf sleeves 50c. In- fants' sizes 2 to 6. 'e. Staff Photo George Cardinal Mundelein, archbishop of Chica go, is. seen passing, between rows of sehool chilciren, as he proceeda around the new édifice of the Roman. Catholie parish of St. Fran cis-Xavier, Ninth street and Linden avenue, Wilmette. His eminence decicated the church,. of whic h the Rev. Martin D: McNamara is pastor, last Sunday noon, in cere- mones attended by throngs of pari shioners and ecclestiastical digni- taries. Glee Club 'W111 Give Yreps Shawvnee's Prograrn in Winnetka Girl Swimmers at 8 o'clock the Women's Fr Tiieclveb Iofthe Chicago Gospel tabernacle,., Coach- George Eckert will .put thc '111 present a sacred' conert in theé ffinnetka <1 the Chicago, -area, is un- der tihe di- re ctin'of Bertha Sod- erquist, a n d will be as- sistpii 1 Shiawnee Country club aquatie team through its final drills next week in Preparatiôn for the last major in- a sroIjg favorite for Dotfl team and individual honors in the meet, which will include two classic events, the Central A. A. U. 100-yard free style. race, and the high board diving chanipionship. Claudia Eckert, the famous Shaw- nee ace who is the only girl inr the country now in the top rankings of both swimrning and diving events, will enter both championships." ln