be presented .by Miss Eva Vincent, who for thepast three years has been instructor- for the P.T.A. ballet ai-d tap classes. *Invitation is extended W ail inter- ested in ballet.and tap) to attend this reci tai. Followitig is the prog-rarn: *Mrs. MeLeoci, accompanist 1, -NEWSBOY CJLOG" Susaii Ami Barrett Edith H1-ughes Nancie.,ean Cloud Carol McCurdyv )rT SHoE- PPITY-" rrett Edith Hughes loui Carol McCurdy *kes Seashore 'ASANTS" cher Alice Wanrier "Y vesTrT & Srova "Ca La Breaza- by Chaljf Ail other dances bY Edna L. MeRae. Tuesday evening, May 23, thn Logan-Howard P.T.A. will sponsor "Open House" at the Howard school. Class rooms wiII be open at 7 p.m. at which time parents are invited to ,visit their children's roorns and For Tour OUT-OF-SEASON GARMENIS SeauI Suifs, Over- coats, Fur-Trimnmed * Coats, Woolens andi Fuis. Positive Moth, Fire mnd Theft Pro- Just West of U NI. 0420 1301 Lake Ave. WiI..ff.e 4200 I