rML;la- WIWfl'TE CONFECTIONERY Jasa W'eat .1 Dqnk I.On May 23 the peewee boys,. those weighirig 90 poundsÉ or less, will meet the Haven school peewees on the village, green. May 24 is -the day. for: the lightweighit meet. Trhese boys, weigh 110 pounds and under. The heavyweight boys, those welghing over 110 poutids, will com- pete. onMay 25. The events which wlll be run are the 50.'yard dash, running high jump; running broad jump; run, hop, step, and jump; pole vault; 60> yard Iow hurdles; 75 yard dash:for peewees and lîght- Iweights and, the 100 yard- dash for the..heavyweights and a 200, yard shuttle relay. nights -willU be held for the gamnes in theaduit slow pltchlng league. The junior> slow pltching league will play Thbursdays, and the Fumble'league, game will be played Friday nights. These gaines, whiéh. are of seven iirnings duration, will start at 7:15 Any tearn wishing to enter any of these leagues should canl the board, offce, Wilmette 468 orý see Berger Larson at the Howard school or Hap Gathercoal at the Stolp school. Lasi Barn Dance Hel To ReSume iïn November il Part y Given Danc ing Ckiss [onday the final party foi ,eing class was given by e. Dr. Felix A. Levy re SNorth Shore Congregation. Israel to st be held at the temple in Glencoe r Sunday evening, May 14, at 6 e o' dock. ât A brilliant and incisive mind, Dt r. Levy is noted for his profundity of thought and knowledge of Jewish, affars hi<,h distinizuish him as one chil dren enter' swith a floor s rtheir adyvancer Everyonie pr( Lerch; be- at tje home of ;en; advauc- Mr. and Mrs. M. sen. P. G af fney in ained thëir Winnetka. At this kow, demon- meeting the offi- ent in these cers of the club ent agreed for n e xt year by the chli- were elected., bis. Immediately preceding dinner, the choir will present a Vesper Musi- cale in the temple proper. The board of trustees of the Congrega- tion and committees of the Sister- hood and of the Men's club will as- sist at an informai reception fol- lowing the musical proýram and we sang a good night lest ( 4 , 1 ý After song.