of the institution whle in operation. 1 be equipped with telephories f o r Guests will visit such departments calls to the clerk of elections. The as the nursery, the. diet: kitchens, following polling places were foundL the phajrmacy,, operating -rooms, inadequate: precincts 3, 4, 13 ad pediatrics department, p h Y's i c a i14.ý More precincts than these do flot therapy rooms, and will see the x-rayI have téeehlines.. equipment, and in ail probabiiity the iron iung in operation. Fiid Dlsregard of Lawg Aîter the tour, tea will be served in the staff roomn by. a comnmittee Of doctors' wives, under -the chairmnan- ship of Mrs. J. N. ýWelter. Serving on the commsnttee wili be Mrs. I. H. Chilcott, Mrs.' A. IR. Konle, Mrs. A. C. Ledoux,- Mrs. N. d. Shaw, Mrs. C. L. Conroy, Mrs. R. W. Keeton, Dr. Mary McEwen, Mrs. Lester E.. Mee, Mrs. C. P. McGarry, Dr. Ros- anna McKenney, Mrs. E., A. Oliver. 3.There was some dis regard of, election laws. Persons withoùt cre- dentials were admnitted during the voting and during the counting of ballots. We found in some instances loiterers were less than 100 feet from the po liing, place and were in- side the- poiiing place. Judges and clerks mentioned the names of per- sons who had nlot yet voted. O n e ASIC FORout v 1). Minsb, Mrs. G. S. Fitzgerald, D.r. Clarisa Deveny, Mrs. T. P. Horan, Mrs. F. D. O'Donneli, and Mrs. E. C. McGill. Duane Koenig Reported Recovering From Iness as to the correct method of o ing the names of persons who not voted)Y. "Information was solicited others than the judges and c Not ail judges and cierks were but reports are that Mrý making satisfactory progre recovery. He is a son Manager and Mrs. A. J. Mr. wood their 18 EXGAGED: d Mrs L Somen, Coenig.- Since permanent ré new method we wot gest that a compact derstood explatxatior of 'High- one put out by the gistato -14IAII id like to s and easily such as %"SEE YOU SOON AGAINIO Aperfume gay and darting as- rn r RATES AI NTÔI In ,::,f 1 l