& Ilverwart, many other ltems sultable as Olfts for Nmet. .... .vdiaIIy fmvtd.. fe bslp y" . me a. Religlous Education. Following. the dinner, a program wil be presented, with each depart- nment participating. Besides other short numbe rs, the Interrnediate group wilI present a one-act comà- edy, "His Just Desserts," under the direction, of Suzanne Lyon, sponApr. of Amici D)'ei.. Members of the .cast include Mary 'Carpenter, Don Dayv- idson, Ed' Devlin, Doris liler, Charles Morrison, and -Ellen Moyer. The Property manager is Jack Red- ding, and the prompter, Doris Rýog- ers. AT, CON VENTION Dr Do~,nadTM- (allieand Dr Ti. Toloif Photo Mrs. Arthur W. Wakeley, 234 Leicester road, Kenilworth,. vice- chairman of the regional com- mittee and chairman of the sen- ior girl pro gram is assistingý u'ith the financial drIve- for Ken- iilwrth Girl Scouts. iurs. WilliamnA. ivivowan, and ivrs. Raymond P. Mulvaney who repre- sent the first grade. T he second grade mo thers are >Mrs.:George P., Arns, Mrs. F r a n k' Riedier. Mrs. John D. Flynn, and Mrs. John. Dien- ,hart. The Transportation, committee, headed by Mvrs. Thomas A. Bald- w4a ' will have cars at the school at, 1: 30 to convey, the members to the Talbot home, The Rev. John J» O'Mara, assist- ant pastor of St: Francis church, and spiritual director of the club.> will be, the guest speaker at' the meeting,, bis subject being 'Catholic Etducation." 'Reports of the standing commn-ittee 'l l Mcd 'To Seek W PA Aid in Ilain of officers at theShwe Country club early in June. The re- mainder of the afternoon will e K. eniwortii Project spent in entertainment. ov e Authorization for Village Manager Two pupils of Sister Clement Ma- C. M. Osborn to seek the aid. of the rie, the music teacher, will present Works Progress administration in musical selections. They are Miss expansion of the present municipal Jean Macferran, pianist. and Eu- neer Stocklngs water plant facilities was voted at a gene Jones, clarinetist. meeting of the Kenilworth village voir capaclty, both at the pumping. Sales of nonffts madle 1w the vet- station and at the water tower in the erans at Hines hosDital. will be con- west part of the village, is just bare- ducted in Wilmette and .Kenilworth ly adéquate for the petik loads of on Tuesday, May 23, by the Wil- summer, andi will. not be suffilcient, mette post of the American Le- for future needs. Under the plan gion and the auxiliary unit. proposed an additional 110,000-gai- The poppies will be offered for Ion reservoir is to be constructed ait sale by the members of the auxil- the pumping station. iary and by girl students of New It is estimated that the cost under Trier Township High school. Mrs. a contract with priva te construction Orville G. Daiiy, 618 Tenth str eet. firms would be about $12,000, and is 'chairman of the committee in that the vîilaet- will ,vp nh..K. nn..4 , hnr 1161 WILMETTE AVENUE J. A. Note: Economy Shop is'conducted by the Womnan's Club ofWilmette. Procéeds are directed to Philanthrop- ic purposes. of Pk $100 I $~ TL