Shore for over twenty-five' years and the ABC cor- por.a,,t.ion ex- presses gratiflea- - tion at having s e- j. C. Slown cured this long-, establishe-d concern to seli and ýserv- ice its equipment. Mr. Sl.own is also handling a corn-. plete line of oil ai-d gas lred boilers and furnaces. as winter and sumnmer air conditioning. j..a imei iV in t adrrgea LU give a mnore club-like atmosphere and hrivricy. New cases are, being. in- stalled and. the decorating wi.11 soon be completed. in addition,-.a new type of knotty- pine backgroun d'has been installed in the north windows of. the Qrring-, ton arcade, 'where the mnen's clothing and furnishings are displayed. This provides a* rich background for the neW spring clothes, Jack Greenhalgh, assists, Mr. XiI- liamsÉ in the department., ADVERTISING'CAMPAIGN: Standard Oul Comýpany of Indiana TO ELECT Dl'RECTO for the fourth consecutive year will The Kenilworth club will hold. increase the number of newspapers annual meeting at thie clubhoi to carry. its spring and summer ad- Tuesday evening*. May, 16. at This publication and 1,789 other daily and weekly neWspàpers with combined circulation of 13.687,486 wvill receive more than 75 per cent of the total advertising appropriation. A total of 1,746 newspapers was used in 1938, 1,588 in 1937 and 1.543 in 1936. "Golden Jubilee Red Crown - Celebrating Standard Oil's 50thi .îts i fects and antiques, PHONE UNI. 0189. CROST FURNITURE STORE. established 189B, will give your eall promipt atten- tion, for single items or complète home. 173LTN49-tfc BIRD'S EYE. MAPLE CHEST OF dr-awers. dresser an'd desk. Also an- tique walnut highboy. Mirrors, rockers, larnp,, clothing, dishes, household furn- ishîngs. Rummage Sale - Thurs. Max' 1.7:00 a.m.ý 659 Vernoni,,Gleoe. 173LTýNlltp GOLF CLUBS SPAýULDING KROFLITE. matched and registered. 7 irons, 2 woods, includ. bag; $30'. Very fine old violîn $100. Man's palm bch. suit sz. 40, $4.. Tweed top coat $2. Tuxedo $10. Wilmette .2507. .I73LTrNl-ltp LUDWIG SNARE DRUM: 9 x à FT. tent; boys bicycle, 20 in. frame;. Qua- ker oil heater. for garage or store: ishi aquarium; Eastmnan Kodak. Call iWl-. Cail Wil.. 542 WE PA' Toll calis paid for. Highlanid Pk. 1240 or 2468. Suburban Waàste Paper Co. 174LTN1-1tU Junk. Dealer 'Phil Sc'humnan Wvill bu3, furniture,, bath, tubs, old iron, waghîng mnachines, any kinc of junik paya best prices. Wilmiette 744 l74LTNý1-lt1 BOOKS WE WXËL PUY YOUR'BOOKS. ALSC privaïte libraries,. Will -call. Wilmnette 3214. __________________ 174LTN52-4t~ FOR NOTIE 0F 0F described 'having notice thercof haÉ wull cause such pro chiffoniers, beds, rng tables, divans. parlor and. librai utensils, refrigerat Itcrnts. t-ugs. carpets ings, silverware., turcs, paintings, b( ION SALE :Mrs.. E. J. 9; Jolin J, bert L. Gaie. hérebv t- paynient oi y hereînafti after duu yen you, %W( wit: bur-eaus. ,okers, dress- ms furnîtur. ure, kitcht-n ks and ci-n linen hrn appaa el, pic- barrels. con-~ ware bîca raw~ei s, pur- the motor oil. Acis before the holi- days will empbasize the free check- up service at Standard dealers for motorists who plan trips. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS The United States Civil Service commission has aninouinced an open competitive examination for the 13o- of Chicagç treasures. eiess Ulluut:. DY YOUU .Or inI our inatrn' or on1 ' Vur account (or in, which yOuj dcaimq an interest) *in the Rensch Firi- Pr'oof Warehouse, ta be sold alt pb auction. at 521 Green Bay Rad.Wll- Mette, Illinois, on May 22, 1939,. at 10 ain.. and icontinuing uni il 'all the L!oodls i Solci or until the liens are qatisficdf. RENSCH FIREPROOF WAREIIOUSE- 521 Green Bay Rd.. Wlrnle En cvûlwia, L sis v.iace.vuDy dazîew st aler Model 29, which e. latest features, .ic ns ail T, auto- g( No. 1 has been destroy'ed. ýy-five years is a long. time at top speed., Bids Fareiveli 'o Old No. I 1