147 FOR SALE-U.IoUBS WHJTAKER'S PHOTO TOUR 0F HOMES Offers manY unusual boys in fine homles in. every Village, on the North * Shore. You wil -find the facilities of the Photo Toura great help in organiz- ing your search for just the. right home. Projected viewsý of, homnes which meet .youàr price, size and location require- ments. will be, shown. Inspjections of those you select wil.b arranged at'you convenience. Many other outstancling ' boys such as these will be showvn you. HUBBARD WOODS SECTION *A white. claphoard capée cod colonial on a, wooded lot -50x200, 6- rms.,' sunrm. 'l1 bath, 2 car gar. Walking distance to schls., stores. and. stations. Price $9000. EAST WULMEPrE *One of the best boys in this section. Red brick colonial. 4 family bedrms., 2 tile baths, 2 maids rms. and bath. 2car garage. Gormerly lakldscaped lot l»Ox80. jPrice rex'oduped reduçed .See these and many other North Shore properties in our PHOTO TOUR 0F HOMES R. B.- WHITAKER CO. 140 Green Bay Rd.. Winnetka Wînn. 3250 Rogers Park 7302 147LTN1-ltc WILMETTE 124 16TH ST. Attrac. dutch col. frame, ini excel. cond. 6 rins. $8500. 216 BROADWAY. AVE. A, beau. home 4 bedrins. 2 batis. $20.000. WINNETKA 147 !OR Sà%LE-HÔUSES SURROUND TRIS CH-ARMING WHITE Colonial, cunitiry residence. While pure Colonial in design, this house is modern in every respect. It contains 9 rooms and .312 baths, and is completely in- sulated. The convenient location makes possible the. joy of year round living in the, country. Located 5 min- Utes fromn Barrîngton anfd 45 minutes from ljownto:wn Chicago., In addidtion te the main dwelling there a 're conmplete and modemn farm build- ings. 1 Available with 15 te 60 acres, an attrac- tive price concession will be made for immediate sale, .Uwenry G. Zaner & Co. 110 S. Dearborn St. Randolph 2300 147LTN1-ltp EAST HIJBBARD WOODS Colonial residence in attractive setting am-ong large homes ivith spacious grounîds. The lot is apm proxii-ately "2 acre with fine old trees. The house is excellentiy planrxed; Graciaus Colonial hall with stairway wvith Palladian win- dow; living room has thtee way exposure; large porch. overlook- in£nLyertlan- 4A nnel zi tA- 147 FOIR SALE-HOUSES 659 VALLEY ROAD Piýcture Your children romping on, the lawns.; under'the age-old trees of this1 beautiful Glencoe home. Over an acre forms the setting for a brick bouse of solid. construction and appeallng cha«rmn. You'Ill ive al sumnmer on the- screened porches wlth their beautiful .vlews over the. Sko,ýkie Club grounds - 5 famlly. bedrms., 3 baths, and 2 servant's rooms and bath. Attached gar- age. QTJINLAN & TYSON; Ime. 584 Lincoln Ave. Wimn. 177 147LTNI-lté ý,LTY 1603 Chl Gre. 2700 NORTHBROOK 6 ROOM RESIDENCE. MASTEIR BED. rm. and bath: 2 other bdrms. and bath and a hait. Lge llvg rm. with open fireplace. Dlming rm., kitchen, recep.. tion hall, full basement, hot water heat. Lot~ 66X200. Ail improvementa. _Bus tirans. to grade and high sehis.- 4,blo. to stores and trans. Priéee$0. Samuel McNab Campbell Northbrook 170 147LTN-ltc ON. WOODLEY ROAD A BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL ROUE wlth aà wide ptately coerr.hJail andi a HART SHIAW & 135 S. La SaHe St. R& $8500 Where can you finde homes. 7 bedrms. $36.000. ELMER E. STUUI 460 Wînnetka Ave. hs, $25,000. f. the fîher 7s, mec. Winn. 1800 147LTN1ltc -$8,900 MeGUJRE & ORR, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. 530 Davis St-, Evanston, Wil. 228 716 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, Glencoe 13. PRETTY? 9 ROOMS, 4 BATHS. room, Sun rooms. Nice ner lot. Hubbard Woods. I I C SEARS REAL ESTATE 1603 Chic 421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 528 Gre. 2700 Evansten 147LTM-ltp ce w. at.1 553 Lincoln e4501 _.!ýOR BALIE-HDU*»