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FFre and in s44Fc F F tion Ftte lretC Cp I inF4F' FFeprtn itF 1FFFF~F FFr ô ýh on n lysis aiý n muîy hs'reoti u mnF hr o eG t'FF F F.F Fte Stte FF MFF 1F4 F F FFFF 'FFiý theF Fk ki Fa ô n PÈ j e 'F. hFF 3F FFF lFdF ,FFF 'F.o thF Fv r FFFe an 3Fm s r m Hë e n o e forF.~>FF gu st as'FF Fel asFF Faty ieteFmlth 1%oéh*ve ofo~i fii*t1s E.T 3. I, b relt ih~ 144rai vampe P.1Idcir Phot hoe..s bys at 8:15 -a-m-, th ' fa iisýdrig:te as:tev icadC _nso,31Mt w'irs a ngafeg thed wa edaf' ilb cnutd b .H EfficleThniey-e Aschool.n the capec'lin a trre en of. given re- ros aovenue, Dayivoth ande thehi st Caneie Teh-h Duvè.1rvntie . sand uoea Mica l étyrtr,,fo Qfc 1938, bureau oprsnInelrsarh vîn err o0 .h eaa.shnn toass it c, .9 the W U r m e i gttetY Fam flya a vla e t u te , t e* it n u n r uD nn r f r éi ole s a d Ii i Welfre ssoiaton h: mde ark Ma 14, hat 9S, a îilnCosrai CrswUb sei pr ress i e ttrt service wiU Attl a lue ber hi& tse 1 thee basi- fo a com ne celebrae- Of the famîliesunde u caree 'n on sbe thi ' Sue c an fa Fe tion a thel lagst f c a p cai e o i t e en u wo r to th i e - at p e e t d r cooom-s n e t pe s n e il s ar t 1 : 5 i h mi y. Thhe trepore iste ao summg to there. Do Wepur Gomymeshlso the teSatsi oMai 4,w UofThe folwk do andpaivpe hia 'oe f hiaprc-Al Fro n pleeopeohshola kk merically ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~h thSoilkau ftetn ôt h ltiso iscnrb-un n aepr ntedsu- A ok agon capet wlU hroI _ _vd i nd b e b r fth rsn ,h u . T ee i dfe nt u s and openic h ou s of ineti n we ll int wat 19he ass93a8o hopes tor 10mittsherEhein acm cpls ..t.e.........a. F FFDa featureione mothe anso iend oor fu ai Wgroup h....s. ;nie Mitchel... Phot tone tompanday aorsd plann e ~ By Wulmette Family~~~~A pontm nI the mor fit ... lne berpee hetetmet tartin with ae Masse for the Ret- Servie adadw sgvnt 4 Bîankie Phol 8uin sh oî aM e~ e re bo y at 8:15 a.m., the r ira Sinths. Thity-eve of........ ths r8 rreaeuKnlotwor- okadatrtewrhl eActomn ate campS chaplin, a civred services a........ som 3iaca c-dt oetadrnd frw oic 1fe eosi ate Caneourcsihe1 Sevae n eetdfmle fo hi service, Mon teiclo ti sbt Bandhshl ussa e sfrtoeo h Chilre haece sil indthirty-. 0 in througs ase arjc l vilag tsee ura o erone esach ine a of25 nialy s caPrblm -ne thattigt ute ilg ouc mortnt .M son ilg db h personnel poiios hei National r ev Yera pr93en drectornt of personnel chia rk e Snelrvie start t direction ohe The fol lown ..... co prtv h.........7 7 m ,n trste s ~ e tel o pen the vilag S.n m n gerand co mpatiy R.C.mess-hall. o, J.e sni x p jc m an gern . Health ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ............2 16 cl a tenr of thlae apprmia- toildiong people so e high cHo.t. kke me$urclytesca ttso h igfrhteceal fhscrtiu nsadtk at ter icus At ou o the camp and project cases't varîe and ..... the prb 8ei ir ions to the comun'tysc w ear ad siA . Triheat forum er ats aou 'an adle thon g o pent1 theks gests valD. sod........ 8 soignd e .b eber of theel e adife ren ofsa publ o w ic. Tou b prs oa inp tn irg MetlD Social ..n... a8stin rds. F speakerC ea S uymoing. startec Ylae.....r........ 1093 193 -na Raymond t a Fn r evfr 10 minutesl far om thvi e ma- Mesarri oles ..........*FF 01 '3 fomaion booathe fro th oivn-s Widmoym ......*FF*F**F* 1. ..... 3 e ner of m itte ofs cmpnes.Toste F Wîdoers FFFF*FFFFrFF* 84 apliaton mad Moda Isein (J RO N T PLAcapwYlb cnute Suinge oe............6 wer by reie ofar oaft Ma S.inet plaeofthten, o Sceprted for serieo famil 2i 2rses 11.ttl Rede iseuvRidn 'commandanths wh hsi 1o ue thei tour Chndr1 en e ade as indviuse th M r. Ramn Ie nte hlrnsroni thecrs onp the project il b codo- proYer' novdwsntwti 1 the 1938 poniue~O to m îe . atlte Culi .wiObr vlaged ,<by eteeronn the ae at he Wl coheofs tFe Famil W 7lae The senv as h aie lr- l llg morniga 2, aletor 11 o'lc. The, (evCoted e eon pag 9 Majritl 'Dsor *FFFF*FF 9ee e cae mn o fte bi diFstrikb, utio nn of tikeoll e ice o f hc ilb eroal icag Unre n eoment me or .. reie p o were conflrmeed 13. ________ and ofe iterestg leusind th e er0f tse 3publie byk th oado!FFFFA ironte ly fth toyo rnelief ereece because. th p M r. Rand F Fý gie iteidrnsro !te ast pc tepotmyd $1b,41v4.87a otwthn h wl Exntinue tote WiFOXtt publi iar Saura so byot eteron the a t h W sop o!al the. Thmiy Welfare foe serveas chai morning buadng .0 atan DITNGil 'lc. hHCntneEn ae ret inemome nt orce re lf n prob- n an comitee Corea .Da'Fp do clna o e roo ad bar, $9966 fodffl - ispuld th o ite HaroldF F *e 13.- h rsgain ofHretC 75leni $14.54 pueri rs'r e rvite pabni man h ar ma nd elcriiy Henry oF'FFF in ths e Jenks Resi gîu; teEv nto1n wrelef 30 ae c on1.10 d c hip G. Z n er, Jr. stees driae iiI l siiiilNIIiiilhi!IjIniliJIIIi NortS e R eal Estae board to ofes $;14med as c pe nli and pucie su -fue; 4Is *ym on~~~~~~~~acpe -famuî aid.e this waek usdfrbyre . elbidnp e, inc. $o45e nan ceineun ing, anmmissong a re:Jaes yC. Mua- the, boardt~ of. di iteos, antih oarti transportation, $403. chapirmatU4, G Feorge R. 4en E R L K r-~etr.o heg oirn- C - educfional allowance and1fr housie-i Ji~usA Peesn F oh H.p4~fy Lawyn DITNUSE RE BRICKi ganb$ *J <1*tPioililt 0 Ue A ker $îO coîing sevcs,$6 .52. ; - . Z*, Gerg H Éilr, -en . lsg Colnilnea te uk - p- siê . In>VI acoran ciu roùrns f1 bah -70' 2-ecar,, id. j~ -' F~~~m orms wbiala fore~ Nort ShoreJon of 'theF bord Ro-l~nN A _ AK FF FF cae f h aeny n 2D o lteBr sion are.,FF FCF M.F-fcar a; aat-ripoed adI eesn 'q~ tqi -s oint or a ia Fre F70 F.l 6W'~ 'F g PkF 6W Fh ure tioFFF'FFf Mi-------'- F FF . Ra m n ,FFFsnaie r D -ý. Rf