bury avenue, Evanston, will open her home for the last regular meet- ing-of the year of the North Shore Alurraa' club of Pi Beta Phi,. which wifl be held on Friday,' May: 19. Lunicheon wil be servede at 12:30,ý and will be followed by.a business mkeeting and program. Honor gue sts at the meeting will be seniors from: the Northwestern chapter of -Pi Beta, Phi, Illinois Epsilon. There will be an installation of officers for the comning year, who were elected et the March meeting. Serving her second year as pres- ident will be Miss. Rita' Pool, 331 Davis st., Evanston. Mrs. Freder- ick J., Ray, of Evanston, is the new vice-president; Mrs. Gailerd W. meeting to be held at the Georgian hoitel, Evanston, Monday, May 15,- et .10:30 o'clock. She -formerly was. a mnember of Caroline Scott Harrison chapeter of D.A.R., at India'napolis and has held' offices in that as_ well' as in, Fort Dearborn chapter. Other persons nominatéd for elec- tion are the following ý.Evanstonians: Mrs.- Herbert Ewing, second vice- regent; Mrs. David* L. Hicks, reÉi- strar (for a second term. 9 Mrs. John, C., La wyer, corresp:onding sec- retary; al so the following directors for a tIhr 'ee-year term:* Mrs., Ray Garrett. Mrs.- L. W. Hitchcock-, and Miss Catherine Reeling. Thé siate will be presented by A very colorful programn and the business of electing officers is ex- pected todraw one of the largest mremnber groups of the sea son to the last spring meeting..of the North Shore junior alliance of Delta. Del- ta Delta. The mneeting will be held at the home of Miss, Janet 'Mel-. raith, 1100 Greenwood avenue, Wil- mette., on Mondayi, May 15, in the evening and will serve to honor grad- uating seniors' who, will becomne ac- tive members of the Junior alliance next fal as well as to name a new, se of oficers. The program that will follow the business: meeting promises, tc be a rare, treat in travel photography. One of the co-hostesses, Miss Lucille Ummach of Chicago. will show sev- Hope, Whitcomb Graham, of )n, distinguished Pi Beta Phi ,and popular lecturer, will on "Russia As I Saw It." raham, who is the principal Joyce Kilmer school i Chi- as traveled abroad extensive- 937-38, she had a sabbatical l absence, and took 'a trip be inst, next 7n 17, at gation wu& vrs. Johnn 0. nanawaIt, au of iv- of movies taken at the annual con- on's anston, and Mrs. E. H. Westland of vention of Delta Delta Delta held May Chicago. in Boston last June, which she and gre- As a part of the procedure of the a number of the Alliance group at- annual meeting, reports will be read tended together. Janet Mcllraith by Mrs. Julien Goôdhue of Oak Park will show a collection of pictures and Mrs. John J. -Morris of Evans- which she took during a trip to ton, delegates who have just return- Florida, where she spent a month S ed from the annuel Continental con- befoe Est4r and fler Mstrs egree irom Iai- ana university. She has studied also et Columbia university, the Univer- sity of -Berlin, and the Sorbonne. *Mrs. George O. Watson of Evans- ton is the chairman of the host- ess committee for the meeting. She will be assisted by Mrs. Paul F. ies-of-the-k'ress breakfast on Sun- day, May 21, in'the Michigan room of the Edgewater Beach hotel. Every year the sorority invites outstanding women in the profession to exehange ideas and suggestions and deliver anecdotes at the break- national convention of Chil the' Americen Revolution hel( morial Continental hall, Was' D.C.. Just following the DA vention. Joan represented Dawres chapter. Miss Louise Paullin. the press relations chairman. awarded second prize for the1 dren of. Walsh of River Forest, Miss Vir- ýd in Me- ginie Ross, Miss Marjorie Steiner ;hington, and Miss Constance Merrill of Ev. .R. con- anston, an-d Miss Annamerie Boo:z William of Wilmette. The retiring officers of, reiigthe Junior group are headed by Mrs'. reiieJohn Leuker (the former Miss Gwen, '~9 eKroehl until her marriae to oh weaamg. Headlines. Evi ahu wèddine