Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1939, p. 44

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Prosident Final arrangements.-.are, being made for the annual pbilantbropy card party to be given by the North- igeWoman's club, Monday after- noon, May 15, at 1:30 o'ciock at the Shawnee Country club,,ac.cording Io. Mr.Wil liam Merke, 2031 Kenil- wortbh avenue, Wiimette, pbilanthro-" py, chairman., Mrs. Merkle andibér. committee, wbicb is. composed, o! Mrs. Wallae Cailender, Mrs*..Ernest Kubn, Mrs. J. Donald Oakes, Mrs. Arthur Lind, Mrs. J. H. Hinsbaw, 'Mrs. RudolpIh Heiser, Mrs. Henry W. Herbst, and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, expect to have *i**t' or more tables. The mem- bers of the club baye responded splendidly to the com'mittee's plea f or cakes whicb will be given as prizes-anti in addition Mrs. Merkle bas promiseti other major prizes. A final meetinLy of the nmi pé clocic at "n. Marshall Field Mrs. William Merle of2 philavthropij for the Xorthrii Woman's club>, fa directing pL for the annuai bene fit bfi MondaI, afternoon, May 15,- Shawnee Country club which department is sponsoring. D. A.R. Ç-Yvei May 5, at 7:45 o'ciock, at trie home -.and Sale of Mrs. Johnî W. Petaja, 10 o hawk road, -Wilmette. The..assist- Rcfr olg lma r h ing hostesses wili be Mrs. Roy Pav- Chicago areaý. are al busy these cin Trry. .Ga' n rLin- days. working, on ýpreparation for coln ý Torreyý .their 1 fftb h A nnual Antiques éxhibitý The speaker of the evening is Dre. and' sale .May 22 to 26 inclusive at> Ross Snyder, wbose subject is the Woman's Club of Evanston'. Th is "Wbere Are We' Heading with Our event an the North Shore - l the Children?" Nýearlv mecTa for'al iovers of rare> Dr. Snyder is minister of religious aInd fine antictues. One can hrowse '~~education at the Winnetka Congre- for hourq in 'the nisles and booths gational church. He was graduated 'Of the thirtv-çi'c dealers- who each S from Ohio State University, and re- va rn ic netniecl ceived his Doctor's 'degiree at Bos- lection of their wares. ton University for bis thesis on, the Mrs'. John Page. oresident of, the development of the individual child. Chieago Rockford College, club. haq appointed a large grout, of. alumnnee Mrs. Snyder wili be present, and to assist the ways and mpans corn- Studio may take part ini the prograrn. She mittee. The, entire exhibit and sl 2031 has a Master's degree from Colum- is directed by Mrs. Jameg ahj bla nwett*yer iher workiniT dMIl bs,-antia'ue s 1eater of Olencoe. Ide pBychology., who bas helped in, the planning of [ans Dr. Snyder will speak from per- the exhibits for the past five years. atg sonal experience, for he bas two The ways and 'means conmittee hea sons1 5 and 7 years o! age. was organized to assist in the build- hr He will talk, and then invite dis- ing, programn on the Roc>ford. col- cussion.lege campus, and ail proceeds go to this fund. A new iibrary bas been 'planned for Rockford, to be started' witbin a year. s n 0 a a 1 Heading the ways and means on ývenng at the annual' ?club held at the obn Petaja, 1100 Mo- Mrs. William Réise. b as .served the club rmian for tbe past 'eti Mrs.- Edward J, Daugh tion. made regeni ini cha ;of the American e announcement iv Mrs. Reli R. 1 the chapter, who h of arrangements. Sale Chairman Hawthorne lodge,. built on' the Swiss chalet style, is an ail-the- year-round camp. The bouse ac- commodates more tban a score of girls and there are facilities for out- dnn -. nrnrnnt ert &'v'er, and JYfl'. JonPage. Serving on, the poster committee are Mrs.. Neier, chairman, Mrs.. Harry Young, Mrs. Lewis' Bla ch- man, Mrs. Ralpb Willy, Miss Doris Tonk, Mrs. Rolandi Floberg, Mrs. Wilbur Giffin, Mrs. Dick Griffis, Mrs. 0. N. Sellers. M& Ca Hnr Px iý . se- if ne home of iM hawk roa< Mrs. 1*eiui as social year, will Delvin, as

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