he bit1da club at luncheo ttan The 1*u o t)ôeîr ill e elub .Nottl Constanr Clough of Glencoehse01,101ci wirldà bel crbee Mayred queen Sat Anke hono- studet and presdent th of81 thetm Gree Curtaîn Draate * ofmbr No etei brdg True. H1g sdjl She - ha takn pat indra a ro-ht onstance "Pride ofd Peju- diace Shismemb lere MouPht Caol Kapp., horay Mac2û- Anem:co soc ent and as en c ofte Gr thetes Ca toel She wa clube Misboui a rute THf herON' class-ASHO of Ne bTier mad 0f hoo. MO TIE S TC S OeEO mate. Mh a Bir of Pi Anher ay 0forr aa Aeie Docetan Pi ee c Meiver thes awlumnae waso omry$ .5b$5frel 3.5 9 iatsd th ate hper o!Serwoln;pstlcee; ayjPinsadpai-oo ree;d leewull eer at ohe eh ty-ght e onatray Ma8 1, t h PRIt#T DRESES, rWOENSGWN Attiearny8 of,.Mdio memoratean $he tondn o$th499r--55 9 Aelph Dl e lt Pi thChcg formerIy $1995 to $35 - -frmery, $95 o $9 Auu asciation h acile haptr.tvlpif o oln pasteor drks bok- Arnt tand polacincof *11pes dfl -------- Deltarihar Lak Forest3--- co - aind. black withek.tFor ------------------eer ,-oens Ty lu aus leg ill elebrate0 th 1Cigtigh t irthd o te sorrit w ith a luc- metrte th~e1 (osdin of th-or t t tin th tucho aJ U3 A1miý associ tio ilb nt al tLvl t-tnt onlg to okb -' age olcino i yei Fnc ihe-,presidet Th Jee de- HP£#L #JT< MP fiOPCI Shreo alurnnati is Sara Jae gian niteruna presdae o! the OaPr prset of theoWesti Suburan asS presidentd o! the Betair of thne g~~~» O T M su Ihe No1.ie1vnn asca 79CUC STRETA tion. aion Ms N.F ihro