Loiunches Year A new year was lntroduced .to feminine members of Sunset idge Country club Tuesday of this week when the Woman's Executive board held its annual -spring, lunchéon. mrs. Gross Wiliams of Indian Hill estates, chairman, presided. During, the meeting,' which opened a t 10 in the rnornlng, the chairrnen and com- maittees were announced and plans% for 'the seasoni outlined. The golf committee lias Mrs. Wil- liam H McKee of Giencoe for its,' ichairman, and, for members, Mrs. A. D. Herrmann of Winnetka; Mrs. H. C. Seehausen and: Mrs. J. C. 'AI- mond of Evanston;ý Mrs. F. J. Bow- man of Chicago;* Mrs. E. W. Samp- son o! Giencoe;, and Miss Virginia ]Presba of Wilmette. Wilson of Lvanston; Mrs. RCoy Bei- nap of Gienview; Mrs. A. D. Cun- ningham and Mrs. G. E. Hlmes of Winnetka; and Mrs. George Hart- nett of Indian'Hiii estates. Mrs. P. N. Sea of Chicago is chair- man of the entertalnment committee whose members include Mrs. Hart- nett, Mrs. Jopke, and Mrs. A. W. in the home of Mrs. W. P. Mehriilih, 2444 Central Park avenue, Evanston. Luncheon wili be served, after whlch, reports from il of the officers:and cliairmen wiIi be read. The following meémbers who have* been nominated to serve: on the board of directors for the coming year will be voted upon: Mrs. :0. H. Rucker of Chicago, ways and means çhairman;- Mrs. W. A. Os-' good, Giencoe, program chairnian; -Mrs. Elmer E~. Cates, Chicago, so- cial chairman; Mrs.. W. E. Jameson, Evanston 9, publicity chairman; Mrs. George H. Simpson, Winnetka, by- Iaws chaîrmnan. Assis ting Mrs. Mehlicl as co- The purpose of the Evanston Friends of Chicago Junior schooi is the maintenance of a scholarship fund to provide a home and ectuca- tion which will inspire boys witli the ideals of right living. The sehool, locatecj on the banks of thé Fox River at Elgin, lias been in exis- Mrs. C. Ké Kernlworth wa ary membeirc center of the1 ciety of Chical ganized in 193, meeting Tuesd Mrs. Sanders a moving to Cali *Ihi~ Infant Welfare An honorary membership, a sur- prise gesture, was conferred upon. Mms C. Kelsey.Sanders of 236ýCuiTI- nor road, Keiiworth,ý Tuesday of this week when the. Kenilworth cen- ter 'of, the In font Weifare Society held its meeting., Mrs.,Sanders.,.avery active mem-, ber of the cliapter, was a'charter -~ Memiber andits organizer In 1932. She became its, first president Janu- ary 14, 1932, and mas again president *o f the cen 1ter i n 1936 . M rs. Sanders served as puhlicity. chairman of the ~ Woman"s auxiliiy 0f the Infant WeI- far&o Society o!, Chicago in 1937-38. ~ ~and euring thatsam'etimne was thirci %rviceqnesient, of the auxiliary. She has-beenvery mucli interested in Sthe volunteer work. A gift o! apprecia .tion for lier work for the Kenilwortli center was given -lowt Husei'Phoeto t h'rTUegdY Witthte conferring of .esey Sanders of honorary membership. Mrs. Sand-, as macle an honor- ers and lier family wili move to Cali- of the Kenilworth fornia the flrst part o! June. Infant Welfare So- Mrs. Sanders' mother, Mrs. Arthiur go, which she or- Ru!, was the first mernber of the 32, at the annual family to become interested in In- daI, of this weelc. fant Welfare work, and was an ac- and her family are tive member of the Infant Weifare if ornia in June. commnittee of the Neiglibors of IXeniI. Worth. Whiie she was treasurer o! 1 urs. .. Vi.< id Mr. and Mrs. lames D. Wool mnan of the iun nsen of Wmn- and for mem-, ;en, Mr. and i0f Wiimette, arde of Gien- *Esarl Witt of If iic of Winnietka - or entertain-1 Presides give Weclnesday, iMay fluai card party of t] Alumnae association i Lake .Forest at 2 Peérkins' review Wîil î Win e-ine ociety of Chicago, decided to or- alk and, review, ganize a group and for.m a center. .Perkins will Tliey. soon interested a group o! six y 24, at the an- young w o m e n, organîzed, andi the Ferry Hall achieved a membership o! twenty- at the school five, a memnbership which now fluc- o'ciock. Miss tuates between,,sixty and seventy-w be a special. five. wiil be for the two ,, . O tUon o! off wiil takçe-