Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1939, p. 3

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Suggestions which the ýorganiza- tion ýpes will*serve to improve the elecionmachin ery of the village are incorporated in a letter address- olats P. Millerilg hCr isccit-o ed tis P wek to Viagcalrk ich-o Clerk of Elections, by.Mildred H.. 4Mrs. Ross E.> -Moyer, chairman. Local.Affairs committee, of the Wil- *mette League of Women Voters. *The suggestions in the report, as the letter is termed, are based upon observations made by the League of Womnen Voters on the occasion of the- Villaige election held April 18 of thîs year. - The Local Affairs committee of the Wilmette League of Women Vo- ters submits the following report to you as Clerk of Elections,- wrot Mrs. Moyer. "It is not intended in any way as a criticism of the April 18 election but it is hoped that the suggestions included will be helpful in improving election machinery.- Suggestions sùbmitted are as fol- Iows: ".Under. Article 2, Section 2 of * the Illinois Election Laws no pre- cinct should have more than 800 voters. Precinct 3. bas .1,079 regis- tered voters and it is extremely dif- ficuit for electign officials to handie. Therefore we would lilce to add oui' request to those already made tha.t this precinet be div&ied before the next election." Editor's note: The pirecinct referred to above had its polling place at Hoffmann Hall on Ridge road. Mr. Miller lias in- formed Wn.MwE TE that the suggested division has been accomplished since the Village election. -2. We do flot feel that ail the poil- *ing places are adequate. We would like to suggest that ail polling places be clean, warm, and well-lighted. (Continued on page 1) Will Dedicate New Cuc In Wilmette Next ,Sunday. Cardinal Mundelein Will Be Preoent for Ceremony at St. ceremonies. Much of the information obtained b-," Father Shevlin, a for- Franeis-Xavier Edifice mer assistant at the local parish, was made available to him by the The solemn dedication of the new Wilmette public library, and by vil-' * church edifice of the Roman Cath- lagers. Ninth street and Linden avenue, Wilmette, will be heid, at noon Sun- Airs. Harvey A. Bush day, May 14. His eminence, George Cardinal Named. to Chest Board Mundelein, archbishop' of Chica go, Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, 721 Green- MiifeNmr side. TeRofev. ariD. wood avenue, has accepted appoint- Thecamarani t of the arimss ment to the governmng board o! Wil- Thecelbrat f te ddiatin mssmette Community Chest association, will be the Rev. Blernard Brad.y, to fi the vacancy created by the former pastor, and the dedicatory resignation of D. J. Coyne Jr., 830 sermon will be prèached by Msgr. Chestnut avenue. Mr. Coyne has Francis A. Magner, formerly assist- been appointed to the advisory ant at St.' Francis-Xavier and 2iow board of the association. pastor of . St. Mary's ini Evanston. Other Clergym,~en ss A PS4ATES M Those who -wil assist Cardinal Mundelein et the ceremony will in- Postmaster Herbert L. O'Connel clue:.theRt.Be. Mgr.Fraci went to R~ock Island. Wednesday to A. Purcell, pastor of St. Me's par- attend the convention o! the Illinois ish; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael Postlnasters' association, which con- Klasen, pastor of St. cregory's par- venes n that city May 11, 12 and 13. ish: the Very Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Casey, pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Pastoir Carmel parish; and the Very Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. Hayes, master of ceremonies of St. Mary of the Lake Be IL.S. rMaruhal New Trier Touinship Aaaeaaor Personal Property tax returnsfor individuals and unincorporated bugi- nesses upon which the assessment of personal propert y as o! April 1, 1939, iis to be based.are being mail- ed to ail taxpayers in 'New Trier township this' week. The books wifl remain in. the Io- cal office at 561-A Lincoln avenue,-, Winnetka, oniy until June 21, 'and since sorne timre is required to com- plete the work before that date, the penalty date has beeri fixed for June 1. It is impossible to give proper attention to tax returns whlch are tion of the 50% penalty for late 11l- ing ,.is obligatory, so it is u rge d that all taxpayers give prompt at- tention to the mattér. Provide Affiavit Fqrmn A form of affidavit wiiI be fur,- nished for convenience ini listing tax- able stocks,, bonds, mortgages and other similar intangible 'property. Most taxpayers availed themselves of this practice last year which reý- suIted in a very considérable saving of trne for themselves as WQII as tlhose.iiarged with the 4uty of mak- ing the ase*ssflnt. As wfll be seen from the instruc- tion sheet accompanymng the tax ie- turn, no. change from last year is contemplated in the basis of report- ing the full value of intangible prop- erty. The instructions contempla te that machinery and inventory are to be assessed at 1001%.

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