The annual May Day bail, the third of a serles of "*On to New, Trier"ý assemblies.comprising eighth grade. bo3ts and girlsof tle villages who ,wil. attend New Trier Hg School next fail, was held Friday evenig, in the ballroomf of the Win- 1netka Woman's Club. Miss Jean Shanesy of Wlmette was chosen Queen of the May. The queen, escorted by Robert Geppert of Wilmette, led the Grand march. The crowning of the queen with a iliver crown trinimed with sweet- heart roses and daises was the high spot of the evening. Nannette Her- buveaux, of Wilmette was maid of honior.. She and her escort, Jack Reddiig- of Wilmette. shared honors dey, Marion r and Dlck ship on May' 16 and 18. For two Years these eb~ups have -worked to- gether on various projecto sponsored, by the, guild, fine fellowship and friendships resultmng. At a festive May party on May 4, new groupings' were made and ini the next weeks new olficers will be chosen and com- Plete reorganiza.tions will be in ef- fect. Meeting on'Tuesday, May 16,, for luncheon will be: Division one, Mrs. E. B. Snyder, chairman., at the home of Mrs. . A. Booz; Division six, Mrs. W.- J. Chapman, chairman, at the home of Mrs. H. M. Rose. I)i- vision five will meet ithe afternodn at the home of the chairman, Mrs. M. C . regc, dett Wilm whiel a: the Lerch; 1 Lake, Older. Otfler terni. The Chicago Plant, Flower, and Fruit guild will open its 1939 season with Lilac day--m-i reality Lilac days -for Fridayý of this week and Tues- day of ýnext have been designated as the tUie when carloads of lilacs from al over Chicago and its sub- u~rbs will be sent in to Chicago to spreadý their fragrance and beauty among the sick: and shut-insi hos- pitals and charitable. institutions. Guild cha irmen of garden clubs, and garden departments of Womn- an's clubs, will caîl for such blos- soms as donors offer,. or, donors, themselves may take them to ýthe local North Western ýdepot before 9:05 o'clock in the morning, where attendants will box them -and send thern into the city. Theý comnmunity is asked to share Mrs. Marion L. Miller of Wilmette. chairman of the Milwaukee divis- ion, South section, of the guild, asks that fiowers be cut the night before, the stenms peeled back, and placed in deep water to help the blossonis survive longer. The joy thèse fiowers give to pa- tients in hospitals and shut-ins in charitable institutions can only be, egaphone dance, ended wi newly organized on the Range" led by Diek his bee made f Wilmette and his Forfel- Wilmette comrr whose four objE refreshments, spring lime port the Chicag Punch, were served from anasteM ighted by candles and dec- ports operam suiJ- com- Wilmette-Wilmette Garden club, Mrs, J. C. Leaton of 722 Washing- ton avenue; Evening Garden Club of Wilmette, Mrs. J. J. Milîs, 400 Park avenue. Kenilworth - Kenilworth Garden club, Mrs. John' Nuveen, Jr., 520 Warwick road; Kenilworth Home and Garden club, Mrs. Peter S. Bar-