10 ruyrucc and 580 lWoeDfliy for publloetiois.- MAY Il" 1939 r ifa 21 En Maioo Up in Manitowoc,. Wis., which dlaims theý f iargest ship-building Yards wes t of Pitts- burgh, and proudly proclaimsn that its peo- pie live like old-time Americans .used to, live-by that industry and fishing, an event of unusual interest and imhportance is to take place on May 21. On that date more than 700 boys and girls just turned'21, Winl * become full-ftedged citizens of the' United States. Not that they would not become citizens anyway, by virtue of reachi*ng age 21, but, they j eom etr iie wlth voting prlvileges and voting desires. With bands playing. and fiags flying, Governor Julius P. Heil will present to the chairman of each of 38 citizenship classes the certificates of electorship for their groups, climaxing flve months of prepar- ation and instruction through a course of study outlined by Dr. R. J. Colbert of the --i-. 5 omethLLingIg ike wnen you hxear a band playing and marching down the street. You almostAingle with excitement when you actually realize that the future of your country is as much your business as anybody's. » "Citizenship Day" it is called, and if Dr. Colbert has net started something that will sweep the country it will be a sad com- sound economnic principle resulting in lead- pg, executives coming out openly in favor ofý abolishin age liis" Teli ier NVO! Next SundaY will b e Mother's Day. We do flot, know *ho thought of settinig aside- one day in each year, and that in the lovely springtime, to pay,4homage to Mother. The truth probably is that no one thougbt of it, and that it came. to someone* asý an inspir- ation from the source of al good- things. That is the kind of'day it is., Its purpose makes lt.so. .Ta- those whose mothers have long since ~depaed :Iom-te:-sens -f arhit i needless to offer any formula for observ- ance of the day. There is only one, and for most of them it is no longer a formula but1 a habit. It consists of quiet communion with the gentle spirit of lier who was once Mother but now is Memory; in recalling her every unselfish act, every moment of devotion, every evidence of a boundless love that reached through time and is eve reauaiL oIfu your own fiuings and short- comings the keener becomes the longing for, her sound advice and wise guidance. No mian, no woman, can hoid such communion with his or her beloved Memory without being exalted andi purified. In sucli mo- ments there is noQ room in the mind for an uriworthy thought, nor in the heart for a Iwonder if Dad knet» That his best sweethear t waa minel, too; That those clear charms that took his heurt Are of my heart a cherished; part. I w ,oTder, too, if Mother's. guessed Who takes her place >before the reat? (She -made four watts a real love neat.) Why, Mother dear, that's YOU! -Dorothy. As though, there,,w-re iqt already .nough, cubs, societies, and organizations of varlous kincis to deprive villagers of any opportunity to get a square meal (if any) or to devote any time at ail to home and garden, some fellows in Winnetka have given birth to a brand new one, which is expected to draw memnbershjps fromn other North Shore villages. It is yclept "Seat-Hog's- Companlon Club," and apparent- ly has designs upon a certain species of the genus homo that travels Up andi down between ship is secret, and that there are no~ dues, coun- tersigns, mnembership drives, luncheons or other obligations except: "flach member is expected. once a week, to insist on sitting down and rid- ing with a seat-hog who, before leaving the station, (a) sits in the nmiddle of the seat or near the aisle, or (b) places newspapers or parcels on the seat, or (c) projects foot or arm into the unoccupied seat space." Initiation, it is explained, "may be performe~d anv time ht Apple blossonis and hboney bees. TuE PmAxr« i~REPorTE no.over,,