studies at the Th e o lo g ical S em i nary of 0 Dallas, Texas, will be' in Win' netka this week- Rev. 1.M. Segûmine end, for, a brief visit. -Mr. Seguine expeets to spendth sumnmer months in Toronto, Canada, assistinig in the work of the Cru- sadee's Tabernacle of which, Dr. AI- bert Hughes is pastar. -The Rev. Howard A. Hermnansen, ýwho is.serving the Bible church in Mr. Seguine's, absence, announces* that Mr. Seguine will speak- three times on Sunday. He will address the regular morning and evenmng services at Il and 7:30, and will also speak io a joint meeting of the Christian Crusades and' the Bible IFel1owsh-îP. group t r t4oýeock in- the afternoon. Mrs. Seguine will be heard in vocal selections. The Seguines will be the guests Of honor tomorrow (Friday) night at the Spring banquet of the Bible Fellowship group which will be held in the Indian Trail Te a Room, Winnetka. Reports Resuits Mi. The answer is that we do not dlaim this* for a mortal. This dis- tinction is made so clearly and con- vincli fly by Christ Jesus in, bis con- v ersation with Nicodemus that it is worth while to consider that story. When thé ruler of the Jews came to hlm and questioned him, 3esus sald that to.see the kingdom a manmust be born again, or as the exact trans- lation bas it. "be bcirn from above. "That which is born of the fie sh 18' flesh," 'hé continued, "and that whlch is born of the Spirit is spirit." One is mnortal, the other immortal. These two neyer mingle, although like.the wheat and the' tares they seem to grow side by side. That which is of the flesh vrmins mrtarhimuenrfect. the martal give to the immortal. appears. ta take ence of a better,1 ier human bei mean to be bon means that the in us, which fronr erning fàctor of means that the ,ana nealn-, hat does it aSpirit? It idea awakes ni is the gov- perience. It. b,, tagular.Put thut o ff portiouis « ~' tue mea t tirougb the. food chôpper t flC £1DOC Urnes. Add tufs to 1 tablespoon plain, GEORGE N gelatine. dissoived in %, cup cold CàT v R atet teaspoon dry mustard and a itesait. Biènd thorougbiy and EÉvery 80 often' mre weII known. cook -book is compfletely revimed and appears in uew <ress. If you were to com- pare -the old edition with the new, Yeu would be astonisbed to find how mnany changes occur in the culinary world-new mnethods. new recipes. even new foods. Ten years ago, Tender Made Ham belonged te futurity, avocado pears wtce a rarity. and we did net buy fruits and vege- tables in frozen little bundles .. Yes. it's a changing worId, and [he fold in cup cream beaten utlff. -Spread mixture very urnootUl over ham and garnlsh wlth plecSeto pi- mento and green pepper. usina more conventional or floral design or even youar Initiais. Chili. Mix lpackage prepared aspic jelly wit 1cu o bilingvwater and 1cup of ice water. When It starta to thlck- en, gmeàcl uvçr iginu am. Izeuirn W refrigerator until readY to place on garnlshed platter. Hait and q habn sizes. soid meat nosis campaign Iaunched Iast monin mateialtyn. i luL a usi by The Tuberculosis Institute of Chi- in however small a degree to with- cago and Côok County and its local draw. That which is born from affiliate, the Wilmette 'Health Cen- above bas nothing of the human ter,-eiht ew atièts ttededtheabout it. Being spiritual only, it is April chest clinic, according ta the indestructible. report of Mrs. Iriez Bliss, Health Is there any experience equal in Center nurse. importance and desirability ta [bis A *~ên1,,f o ~ .i.~$h~new birth? With~out it we have only rugby eam - tian of selecte next Sunday It's budizet-wise buying. I L m 01 MDAT hINNh the deciding . uI l tOUVVI 51 u w PiE uIç5IIprP17 st chanpionships. of thei JobI >co pposed large- T r th side s untfl the harn is. rec- emen, has just i Yorkc, where thie NewV York rugby I~ piay au d= bb ars from St. I rnoon at 3 o0'( ïl-1.,