Hl. urawrora. Mrs. A. E. Lind, Mrs. L. H. Porter, Mrs. Rt. N. Turnier, Mrs. C. M. Bausté-rt, Mrs. Kenneth Funkhauser, and Mrs. N. B. Place. Troop Il had its first meetin g at the Laurel, school on Thursday af-" ternooni,;May 1l et 3:30. Mrs. Dwieht Perry is the leader, and Mrs. Mil- lard Watkinq the assistant, leader. From the following hiet o! mothers who have expressed willingness to help, this troop's committee ýwili be registered:, Mrq. K K. Chalmers.- Mrs. F '. D. :Weber. Mrs. E. D. Oberg, Mrs. H. ýF. Clarke, Mrs. D. M. Galie, Mrs. J. C. Leaton,. Mrs. G. C. Braun, and, Mrs. H. L. Ward. These new troops have been cre- ated to take ini girls from Brownie packs wiho are now 10 years old. and girls who have been on waiting DAD'S PATROL Members of the Dad's Patrol (and mnernbershin is stili open) meet at the Girl Scout office, 914 Central * avenue. at 7:15 p.rn. Tuesday, May 16. - TRAINING COURSES Seven Wilrnette wornen completed the course for Brownie lead ers giv- * en last week at the Wilmnette Li- brary by -the local director, Miss * Marion Morse. TheY were: Mrs. Frank Allen. Mrs. Rollin Clark, Mrs. R. F. Zeddies, Mrs. H. J.. Nelson, Mr.s. Harry Adams, Mrs. T. C. Ep- pig, and Mrs. H. C. McTKinney. The group leadership course for intermediate leaders is now being given by the director at the iibrary. This course is for wornen interested in. being leaders of troops o! girls frorn 10 to 14 years of age. Wednes- day, May 17, the membèrs of the course will have a nosebiag lunch at the cabin. ing; nevertheless they presented ai program. In,. their second. year a winter program was given and. the custorn .of! singing carols through Winnetka atChristmnas inaugurated., The third spring concert was .givýen out of doors: this too has betomne traditional. Mr. Yingling resigned i theau- tumn ýof M06, and during. most of that season 'the chorus had no,direc- tor. Miss Madi, Ba con, took up the baton iMarch and .thegroup was reorganized. It had dwindled to 40 die-hards; since then' «W has grown again to about 70. They corné from, ail over the North Shore and fromn Chicago to rehearse each Tuesday. The Choral societv has sung a varlety of rmusic ranging from medi- eval Italy to modern Amer ica. numnber of cookies per girl were Troop 9 and Pack 2. These groups wilI be given a cabin outing as a re- ward for their splendid work. At the May 4 meeting of Troop 9. Mrs. A. C. Jansky, grandmother of one of the troop members, Barbara Bauer, talked about birds and bird- lore. She brought many delightful pictures frorn which the girls learn- ed. 'how to identi!y varicius kinds of birdfi.cap omlteh pp- The apcmftehsapi cation blanks for Wi1métte scouts to seind i for suftlur camps. I you are interested corne to the of- fice. We suggest early registration to insure getting a place at your ehosen camp. COMI To 10 MILES NORTrHWeStz.DF SPOONER,. WISCONSIN Whoe artistic ondrmechanicel gernus have, combined toofFor log cabins of distinctionfor dlscriminatng people. Light and Airy Clean and Comfortable- Innersprng Mattresses Safe Sandy. Beach, Good, wa11-eye, bass. northern pike and ail manner of pan fssh Write for Information to C. J. PALMER AND FAMILY Spooner, Wisc'onsini Star Rt.. Telephon. I166-F. 14 MAR C%-f(ERZComfortable n~oms çOING*m Sandy BATHD(G DU40W INSTAN(TRELIEF FIlOM BAT FEVER AND A8TEMA (Affluue 1,6»B L. Gel fthe Big Ones - MUSKIE. PIKE, BASS 01You wiU be,. as hundreds of north shore folks akready have Iceet, 4.ifrJapd wlîh your stay ai Rohrbacher's. Faniou, for fishing, weil4cept iudividumal IoS Cottages among bâches and pines facing the lake ...ad <icolleaiumu serv.d ln the main 1odge. Saf sandy J*ach for thldrn. Reasouble rate& Oni Lac du Fuambeau% amounus c<in aof lakes, Crawling Stone luko .&0": smofaiWisconslu's, ijup shisg. in 'ummôüanus pimhitive and uainoIs.d. For Complote Vacation Saaisjaealoz4, VlFre for Fouler RURIACI4II*S hE5@RT. Crawll.g Stoe akLacsde Roubeau. Wle. woiuu psi!miR UNIONAIFI, I