BLACK HILL ROING CAM Sp.orfisb, S.stb Dol Prospecting i the Blacl irowning Up cattie, "De Days.- borseback ridlng,, the open - ail this andi avallable to your child ýat able cost. Boiys and Girls 10-14 For informati addre 'mise Margraret S. Drid ml.. Cat*bog:, MacGowan. These works lnclude oil I.,foxEpaintmngs, écharcoal ,compositions, ~ la.lite drawings in. many. mediums. as lithogiaphic craYon and Chinese ink, and varicus problems mn ap- S plied design as, block-prints, cos- 4p tunmes design and development ofý museumn motifs In both charcoal and ~k Hi~, color. 'The advanced class in design beadwoo»d is working on a commission design- Slfe In ing men's ties. L reson. Miss Betty English and K y 1 e Morris who are working murals willl 14 demonstrate this 'art durihg the af- saternoon. At the same. time Miss âge Helen Best will be1 demonstra ting the cutting, and printing' of a, lin- work in, interior architecture,. the, direction of Professor ra Shanley, will feature ren- Splans and elevations to scale, planning furniture arrange- for various types of rooms. be the speakcer next Tt ning at a meeting of ton Navyj club at the head quartera, 614' Da lh'anston. Dr. A. N. Franzblau, head of the Department of Education at the He- brew Union College of Cincinnati, will deliver the baccalaureate ser- mon, and Miss Shirley Ray *inl speak on behaif of the graduating class. -A : Mrs. Hugo Hartmann, chairmani of the'Rëligious School -committee, will award diplonias. to the following: Carolyn Cassriel, F rancine. Freud,, Y Shirley -Ra y, Davî *d Richniani, and Miriam Schram, and Antnabel Hack-ý man. The Religious school instituted its high school programn three :years ago and the pupils to be graduat-edý this -Sunday comprise the'first class to have attended the school regu- larly for three years following Con- firmation. 'ordnei,. This special service on May 4 Pa, 410w will 'en&}ude the' -pr<gram of Sun- 'a as a day morning services at the temple ýear Ad- until next fail when they will be re- mandant sum.ed. Visitors are always cor- ct, will dially welcomne at the North Shore aiI eve- Congregation Israel which is lo- E vans- cated. at the corner of Lincoln and Y Scout Vernon avenues in Glencoe. street, The annual Confirmation service. of the Religious school will be held wit theSunday ._May 21; -twenty-six, chul- te Norwegians of Evanston and .mathexnatics departrnent North Shore will celebrate their tury of Progress, and ac ýpendence day under the aus-' Commander Setile on tl ;of Skjold and Nornen lodges. breaking balloon stratosp ,day evening, May 16, at 8 in1 1933. wc, at 1415 Sherman avenue. Residents of the North ay' 17 is the Independence day have served in the Navy, versary, but it has been nec- serve, Marine corps, 1V i'y to arrange the celebration, serve, or Coast Guard, w4 .4 _ . to attend the eeting bv J. rnpanied record- re flight SWho l Re- mi m-m mm mo l mo mn--WmM -- -w mm n h wnroe year: Rivia 5aIiîn, Aaron Bal Stanley Cahn, William Freud, J Goidman, Caroline }flrsch, Donc Kempner, Leo Korona, Riel Markus, Robert ShaftonadR ard Winsfield. adf Christian Scieno aI existence" rriproved.