wueen nUVLseiJ. ine i .n s w eexs, 5 tional College of Education, it w as, à roth ahead of time by ballot of. the junior announced this past week by Con-.Droh and senior. classes as "Imost repre- rad H. Poppenhusen,. 1741 Hinman. sentativ.e of the* ideals o! service of avenue, Evaniston, pre-sident of the Jarvis the National College of Educeation," board. Trier B but he esuts f th voingarenot The new members are Mrs. Affos i pi announced until the curtain is rung Bal, .721 Foster avenue, Evanston, directior tip on, the last act of the Festival. adMs utJ emn 1Ln at Lawrl Members of Queenf's Court den avenue, . Wilmette. Both Mrs. He pla Sometimes the. May Queen is one: Bal and' Mrs. Denman -have, long ' Frosh' of hesi seios elete b clss Itaken an active part in the work of ing very of te sx snior seect Qu'b en'ss-many civic welfaire associations on mates to be members of the'uen!; the'North Shore and in Chicago. CAMP Ci court o!f honor and beauty. The stu-; for Boys dents cho sen. for this honor are:t Other. members of the National kac fei PtciM-ne,2801 Lincoln. street I College of Education's board lof trus- America'l Patri tees are: (,, arge se Evanston;. Junie Zettergren, 109Ies m Mrs., Philip D. Armour. canoe ahi GroesreeEaso;Ptii 684 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe; Mrs. vears 014 Groves eet Evanton; Park;' Alfred R. Bates, 628 Central street, variety a Clark, 296 Prospect, Highland Eantorrek.,usadn, aîf catalog. Virginia Gambill, Centralia, Ill.; DaysoFe .CsaeH Onr Madalin Traste and A y road, Hjighlanid Park, Dr. Earl Onr adMdln rsi kand Am 1E Graham, 417 S. Prospect avenue, Preceding the crowing of the May MIchigan avenue, Wilmette. Queen, there will be four acts in~ the Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, 459 Long- festival equally divided between wood avenue, Giencoe; Mns. Alex- Esa dancing and singing, and romance ander W. Moseley, Swarthniore, Pa., and ýcomedy. A ballet interpreting Dr. John E. Stout, Georgian hotel, colors in terms of creative dance Evanston; and William A. Suther- movements will open the evening's1 land, 70 Harbor street, Glencoe. program. This will be followed by GE a musical number, entitled "After, OEFO LRD Dinerin n nglshRos Grdn,1' Dr. and Mrs. C. Howard Searle. Iuom~ which will feature the singing of the , 55 unset lane. Glencoe. have e ýlished 1916 Located ln 1 MRS. ALI 214 So. ENLEAF 1630- Pers.i Paironize Our kl0ertisera For Girls8 te Whscobsln Direelor ri, or* UL 4777-2aic.l Is~ I. the rosy glow of a painted sunset. Capture the treasure of long, drowsing, carefree days be- tween. Rantches are beckoning with new, differ- ent vacation thrills. North Shore Travel Service, represerrFing ail ranches, west, northwest, south- west, offers gratis the dý>failedý information and 1 eye-wil-ness reports" necessary 1-o an MH 1appropriate vacation ranch selection. ;77