KOOCH-I,-CH ING CAMP FOR' Boys INTERNATIONAL, FALLS. MINN. For Boyas 8fo là North Shiore Clientele 15 Y..,rs Operatioai C. F. VANCE Assf. Footballi Coach a#. 313 Keiui St., Ivamstom boIvwslt y 4431 The House of Three Bears is a vacation camp for boys and girls 5 to Il years old. Ut is now in its four-teenth seaso.n. RETURN FROMd VIRGINIA MrTs. -Edward C. Hiildreth,' 2006 Beechwood avenue,..Wilmette, and Mrs. Henry W. Drucker, 1125 Mo- hawk'road. Wilmette. came home last week from. a twelve-day motor trip to Williamsburg. Va. They re- turned>by w'ay of Tryon,. and Ashe- ville, N. ýC.. the Smoky mountains, Kentucky and Tennessee. ELECTE»I) AT GRINNELL ýât Mtilfler- son of IiI. LT. thue city proper, loingii care anda t.- tention bas been giventhe bi4bs so that when the visitons arrive. the r esidential streets will be bordered on each side with a mass of color - endless varieties of tulips - in addi- tion to mass, plantings in the parks. Altogether a. total of three million blooms will meet the eye.. In order to help care for the throngs of visitons, the two big cruise shlps of the Geongian. Bay line, the South American' and the North American, that are docked at HoDlland throughout the. Winter will be used as floating hotels through- out the week. Regular hotel service will be provided and the entire stew- ardis' n.aInd iursrs' erews will be * %When I accepted a position on the faculty, of South Dakota's Black Hils Teachers college in 1028 1 was totallyr unpreparedi for the compelling beauty of ljé ig Grtf-1, * ' '-Wa mTed i%tu the bouse couneil of Dibble hall, men's dormitony, at an election helci Nature Lore Is recently. Miller wilI serve as vice- presidciit of the hall during the com- Revealed to ing year. MEETYouthful.Camper Students of Roseniary Hall, Green- (Continuied from page 20) wich, Conn., beld their Spring Rid- eupetpêet oceeeou ing meet Saturday. May 6, when t 5, nfmtn exta attI.rac- tions. You'I have the tl,.u Y ~U Sôme campers want to plant a gar- HOME 1WM SUTH den and care for it during the sum- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Huston mr of Evanston have returned from a The xnaking of a rock garden and fîve-morths' sojounn at 'St. Peters- planting it with native ferns and burg, Fla. The Hfustons, former Wil- plants is a frequent project. The me~tte reideAnts. vetivned hv nv of. soil contents and the natural habir mi"'gj vas se, ranch olorado and V king dUTferent. 1 fnund nther READ THE IVANT ADS L !Egita LU1145- ,or me, 1when qmung. are