ISISTER DAVID 1219 W. 78*h. St.. Chicago, Illinoks TELEPHONE STEWART 07 The Adventurer's Camp fOR BOYS 7-17 Emstabliahcd 1930 In tihe Heurt a i se- mu jan Regereation Lac Du Flambeau. Wisconsin tion witn leaders of a fascinatin fied of Exploration, Travel an O'utdoor Life. Director Captain L. R. Clau Robisn 'Wayne,IMinpois Jwas in charge or the c m inoc- qua swimming staff. Following the Iuncheon there were, interesting talks by campers an# counselors, arnd the showing of two reels 'of interesting camp movies. The Winnetka counselor present wes Robert Nickel., The Winnetka boys~ ettending. were Tom Blair, Rudy McHewen, William Plamondon. and' L. T. Wallace Jr. The parent at- tending was L-. T. Wallace: These boys have 'spett from one to four. summers et Camp Minoc-. que,, e private camp on Tomahawk, Lake, four.miles, out of-Minocqua, Wis., directed .by'Dr. J. 'P. Spra gue of the Oak Crest Evanston. The -Miss Eclel Bovbjerg, .504 Fifth street, Wilmette, is a mem ber, of the student committee planning. the atrnual Spring Festival at the National Colleue iof JEd,îatonn * JGlencoe Student The ainount of information that boys and girls en acquire in in- formai groups ini our summer camps is extensive. Correlating with their sehool, experiences and using thec facilities 'of this natureal .1o, ai1e, i we believe. that the initial camp experience f r e - quently pa4v e.s the an in- telligent ap- proach- to re- search. and life-. long interes t ilu m an y fascinat- T h e possibili-ý ties f or nature study in c a mp (Bernie) and the varieties Marjorie Leary of interest and hobbies which. grow outofatbtàlI atà-with, nature is truly amazing. Leaders WeIl Trained Almost ail camps. have a nature study leader whose specialized train- inig and experience has beern in the fields of botany, zoology and geolo0- gy, and frequently in boys' camps this experience is augrnentcd by training in the departments of for- by the other mem- ricil. à designed the set four Theatre Wnrk.. Camp Consultant Marjorie McLean Leary ia the auithorized Camp Consultant of this .news magazine. HeT serv- ices are available, by appoit-, ment, tà al our,. eaders atno ~Cou for Appointmowi rite for Descriptive Bolet by the will be bers of Miss on. piage