From Our New Spring CollJectio.n REDUC.ED for Immediete, Cleçarance THiE SPORTS SHlOP 976 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods L. of W. V. Luncheon Enterfan for Guest The annual luncheon meeting of' Mrs. George F. Heller. 344 Wash- the. Wilmette League of~ Women ington avenue, has 'as her guest for Voters wilI be held on Monday, May several weeks her aunt,' Mrs. John 8, at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. F. Comee at Northbrook. Mrs. W. Werner of Lynbrook. Long Island, T. Reece has charge. of the luncheon N. Y. Wednesday Mrs. Heller and MAY - lst TO LARGE)? QUARTERS -eat- . l'oe N%~) ~ ~ ~ ~