buy for your lise quai you TODDLERS' PLAYSUITS Coveralls, in ginghams, prints, jerseys; ail types and szes, I to 6 years. Usually I.25-special................00 POLO SHIRTS Cotton knits; pastel solid colors; also white wth colored stripes........59 BABY BONNETS. Dainty organdies, in white, blue and pink; tailoredos dressy; 6 months to 2 years..................65c to 1.95 INFANTS' DRESSES Hand made, prettily embroidered; usually 59c--special, 40c Hend made; hand embroidered: white, pink, blue; 6 months to 3 years: usually I.25- special .• . . -- .- .... .. .............. 100 SUN SUITS Hand made and embroidered; white with color; also pastel shades: 6 months to 2 years; usually I.25-now...................... 1.00 TODDLERS' DRESSES Hand made, hand embroidered; pink or blue: usually I.25-now. . .99c Hand made; -etgular 59c quality....... ···.............. CARTER'S SLIPOVER SHIRTS Light weight; special.......... ..................... SCOTCH WOOL SHAWLS White, pink and blue; regularly 2.95-now.................2.77 . . . . . .. ......... 95c; 18x34..........40 c; 18x .8........25c t 1'.~ LORD'S 0F EVANSTON v 4