APRIL 27, 1939 R,9egier M4ay 1 te, 8! The recent village and other elections re-.; vealed that a considerabie number of citi- zens have either neyer registered under the niew 'permanent rgsrto law, or had changed address and failed to have the legal correction, made. The Judicial election will be held on Mo»- day, June 5., This is an e lection, of more than usual importance, because upon the quality of the judiciary depends the success-' as regards sehools and townships., Rep- resent'atives of, two. large schooi orgarnza- tio ns, the Illinois. Agricultural association, the Illinois Chamber o! Commerceý and the Illinois State Bar association have agreed upon amendments to clarify the law and provide simple budget forms for smiall, sc.hools.' The budget law requires ail taxing bodies to adopt annual budgets and budget ordi- nances, and'to hold public hearings upon them, in, order that taxpayers mnay .have' knowledge of how and for what their money is being expended. It is a. good law, and, should not be repeaied or amended to exý clude any taxing body. They are spending public money. For ng Monday, May 1, and continu- igli May 8, citizens nlayregister ce of the Village clerk, in the Vil- and thus save themselves the of going to the office of the County' do not ,e picks ail of we do Dirk- often eliable The natural desire to retire from the rresiaency and, -ofter hlmsell for, nomination to a ý-third térm to save the country, even though, it tear. the very. heart out of him. A Vox Popper writes:, "Iarn the mother 01 two children and if parents will teach themn to re- spect other people'sý rightà and property 1 we mlght accomplish a great deal toward bting- lng tbern up to, be go.od law abidinig-citizens.", W.yinell doesn't she? .The death last week of John A.,,("Daddyr"). Eood, Wilrnette's grand old man, of the Grand Army of, the .Republie, whose, ihiety-sêventhiý year would have been' completed on next June 22, was an event of more than usual moment to- ,the North Shore. . His geniai disposition had en- deared hlm to ail his acquaintances, and espe- .ciiay-t tecilrn e -h i~ Idveu, an missed no opportunity to let them know it. The large groups surrounding the automobile in' which he rode at recent Mernorial Day cere- -monies gave ample testimony of their full re- ciprocation. They Wili miss him tliis year .and other years to, corne. To thern lie was a symbol o! a past age, an incident .in hlstory too remote to have substance in fact. They looked upon him in awe and wonderment, not realizing that alrnost a century had t'assed over his head. of it the resp( r May 1 to is hisi the Village way over the cobblestone streets in the1 Northwest section of Washington, bearing the rotund forrn of a jovial .looking person who was a ringer for Santa Claus. The fringes on the carniage top danced in the breeze as the carrnage made its way to a slatternly baseball park. It was the day uDaacy" H-ooca 15 mat lie las rejoined the im- mor tal Lincoln and lis glorious army, wherever they may be, to remai in the ranks forever. "Daddy" hirnself would ask of God no greater favor. Let's turn over a new -leaf. and mind our own business for a change. The'e i 'à nS PKAmQM IIUPRTEt Obey the Rules!