..J.btrlimg Mvorton ttigh Sel Cicero;, Leyden Townlship school, Franklin Park; Loyola a, emy, Chicago; Maine; Township:i school, Despiaines; MorganÈ Military academny, Morgan Pz Thornton Township Hli g h. Se] Harvey; Thornton' Fractional To ship High school, Calumet; Chic Christian High sehool; ad W gan Hlgh sehoo)L The subject for debate is: solved, that the U'nited States shc estàblish an alliance with Gr Britain. Thère will be f our rour EXteMPoraneous anid oratoricalc tests will also be held on that di C. E. MacLean is in charge debate arrangements, andi Miss,. belle Payton lu in charge* of extE poraneous and oratory. da JâékÉn Ëtate4 Ihât the swimw pool would be open for the gue of New Trier High school. Elected Secretary of Dartmouth Student 'Chib s a zueuîer Uor .meV r and hockey squads., In' Springfield the scholars will visit the Centennial building, the capitol, the Suprenle court building, Lin- coln's home, -and.bis tonib. Froin Springfield the party will go by bus to New Salemn, where Lincoln spent six important years of his lite. After dinner the pupils will again board the. "Ami Rutledge" for Chica go. Members of the student commltte.e in charge wi linclude Frank Badger, Steve Walker, Jean Mitchell, Mary McPhelan, Xlugh Petersen, Shirley White, Ruth Tencher, 'and Frank Huffmnan. Sopha to Hold Splash Part' Fidoey Eveningu On thus Friday nlght the New Trier 1516 Sbermun AMe H-igh scliool student council has plan-.T ~ ned a splash party for the sopio-;AT« imore dlass. Due to the success of EWO the other t.wo >parties, one for the freshmnen andi one for the freshmnen and sophonioreS, this party has been Former Rafg5eng Prtner, LOCK. lue. Laites' TaRot * J. A.WARD. -N.w ýLoeated wigh I M-Invite Grade Schoolt aing l essAt School Assembly. Teplay is adapted fromn a pan- -tomime which William Makepeace 'Thackeray wrote for hMs cliildrexn. e Miss Polly P'eeney is directing the n play; Robert Harper and C. Herbert Jones have charge, of the staging and lighting, respectively; and Mrs. Jane Lighter is i charge of the decor.