After suçcessfu 11Y completing the othat Curtiss, it was explained, thé. cadets are sent to Pensacola, Fia. , where they. spend a year. Thereafter they go to duty with thé, Unitd Sttesfleet for three years. Recelve New Planes Lieutenant - Comnmander H. F. MacComsey la commanding ofnicer of the base. It was announced this week that a Graumnman amphibian and a North, Amnerican low-wing monoplane had ,been received at the base r ecently, and, that, seven Curtisis scout, bomnb- ers will be fiown, in from Buffalo soon. They will. be used f or flight training hv %aviationcadets cor- ture is being especially planned to interest the. older c hildren of the schéol as well as pýarents, accordinig toMrs.. Thornton Merriam, 2030 Or- ringtonavenue, Evanston, program co-chairman of the council. Preceding the evening's program, the council will serve dinner in the college.,dining room for the conven- ience of those attending, the. lecture. Reservations: can be made by calling the Nationial ,College of Education. Mrs.CGeorge. Cullis, 2916 Grant'street, Evanston, social chairman. of the Parent-Teacher council, isin charge of arrangemnentsfor -the dinner. Other officers of the Parent-Te.ach- er council who. are active in making, . . Runnfeldt, Glencoe; Charles Yeon- mans, Winnetka; Mis. A. K. Sehif-, flin, Winnetka; Mr., and Mr s. E. L. Carpenter, Wheeling. Others i the, North Shore com-. munity interested in this hostel. but not yet pass-holders are Miss Helen S. Eldridge, Winnetka, andý Mr s.. S. S. Otis, Winnetka. The hostel also has>the, active. sponsorship of th& ýWixnnetka, Rotary club. Mr. and. Mrs. E. L. ,Carpen ter. houseparents of, the hostel, are pre- paring for a buÈy sea son. Hikers, bikers, skiers,. boaters- ail who travel under t h e i r own steam-are welcome at youth hos- The annual training period of the squadron has been set for the first two weeks ini August, it was aded. The squadron, which has its weekly .drils every Saturday afternoon, is now concentrating on preparations for the annual' inspection, to be conducted by a board of naval offi- cers from Washington, D. C.,. on May 27., charge of ticket sales.r Tickets for the lecture may be se- cured either at ChandIer's book store in Evanston or at the National Col- lege o! Education. Winnie4ka, inow of iToronto,. Canada, me çosepi aear senoi in>.A ii ýwho is i this vicinity to attend the, worth for the past grading period annual Baha'i convention to meet were listed this week by Superintend- the last of April, will be the speaker ent Elmer L. Xygeard. at the Sunday afternoon meeting at Students on the honor rol were 3:30 o'clock April 23, in Foundation those in the third grade or above hall, Baha'i Universal House of Wor- whose teachers marked them "excel- ghip, at Linden avenue and Sheridan lent" in effort, while those in the road, Wilmette.. honor society were chosen from the Mrs. Ives, wio- is a lecturer on sixth, seventh, and eighth grades pgycolog an chid pychoogywhose marks were high in ail sub- tweflty-one, $2 or those twenty-one or over, and admits the holder to, over four thousand hostels in twe'nty countries the world over, including the 184 hostels in the United States. The fotunder of the youth hostel move- ment was Richard Schirrman, a school teacher in Central Europe. He took his students . out of the smoky city to the clean beauty of the his and counitryside. an Mile r ostel 'as 'nMllr their pro .ois Rosen-. mtrat Willams: youth 1934. wh iierariuIaiu Ut fltbL called in Amsterdam ti nferences have been held 'esentatives of the vouth 'ns have met to discuss and ways to encourage teling. ig came to. America in i.rtetry avenue, Fir street, Glenv mete, tw ry Lu(