FICTION Arnim-Enchanted April. Bottoae-Daner Sig"a. ;EÔWen-Death 0f a lsait. Fiser--Seasoned Timber. FrostYoke.of Stars. Honme-The Thinis That Elong. H~-Les Mirales. iùzh FostFlower. Lawrence-A Good Homne With, Nices LiItes a Greatt War. Lowe-Salte to Freedom' ThomPson-Adventures ciChristopher Colurnbin. Walker-Dr. Norton's W1fe. -Warne-Afther the Death of Don Juan. Thmnkng About Our WorId Gould-Widows on. the World. Lrner-It la Later Than You Think. Seabrook-These Foreigners. Fr1iedrîch-JPoreign Policy in the Making. Howe-Ehgland Expeets Every Amert- can to Do ][ls Dl4y. Tracy-Our Country, Our People,an lusie Another specialized si women wYio t development of convenience of n a-il phases of wotat<LveleT, zs in charge of the Wome's Travel d.ep4ITt2 Chica go. bis letter as a memnber of the 1892 eleven. Ail proceeds wi Il be turned overto the fund for Scott Hall, new. student social centerto be.built on. the campus this sumnmer. Parade Flfty. Players, Fiftv playerq. moý,t- of whom are freshmfen. wIll particioate in the game. Conference.. oMfcials have Àbeen engaged to work the, gamne and the Northwestern band will play. The gamfe wilI mark the Varsity debut of. the new freshmnen candi-, dates a: numnber of W*hom are expect.- ed to m'ake strong :bids for varsity positions next. fali. About a dozen of the 20 lettermen who will return .next scason have participated ini thé sprlng drills. Among the new fa ces wyho bcl ýeén in action* in varsit.y uniforms for the first timeý are Bill DeCorre- vont, former Austin high school star: Don Kruger, a high schooi rival of DeCorrevont's fromn Fenwick: Ike Tepford of MuskegEon. Mich.: Dick Erdlitz of Oshkosh, Wis.: Floyd Chambers of Sait Lake Citv, Geor'ge Benson of Harnmond and Don C]awý-- son of Kankakee. Proniising New Linemen lward. I's Most Danger- ahstory -Century o! Excavation Ilà tation, o! Ba Èbylo *ia'a The International Relations club at Northwestern university will play host to 300 students from universities in Wisconsin, Illiois, Indiana, and Michigan this week, as delega tes convene Friday morning, April 21, on the Evanston campus for the ninth annual miclwest conference of International Relations clubs., ichter, and on their way homfe Stop- on, "Lat ped in New Orleans for a week. The ci 1 '-'g' s AL&Iie L11Itio uouse ana for- '01I.. .Uarmeli, Ili., and tDon Johnson mer American consul in China. Of Chicago. centers. John Fobes of Chicago, is presi- Lettermen Who will be divided dent of Nort'hwestern's branch of the' ec*ually among the two teams are International Relations club, whichOllie Hahnenstein, Paul Soper and. bas 40 members. The organization Igg9Y Mesic, halfbacks: Dick Rich- is sponsored by the Carnegie En- ards, quarterback; Paul Heimenz dowment for International Peace. and Joe Hay, centers: Hal Method, HOMEFRÙM1RFRMTTl ,Don Guritz a'nd Joe Lokanc, guards: HaMa 1RWIM UU~UTYIA Niek' Cutlich. Frank Youne , andi 1 iiarland. ill conclucle Sa t-. in pastels.ý Ifair. ia. Sne wilî visit her brother. 'ge W. Manierre in Pasadena, wilI attend the San Francisco