rFURNITURF, RESALE SHOP, 37.2 HaZel Ave. GLENCOE 2039 Final reductions in ail furniiture, etc.i 171LTN50-ltc WALNUT DOUBL.EBEt) AND DRESS- er, $20.: 5.pice dîniette set, $10. Kitchen table, $3. WaInut dresser, $3. Telephone table and chair, $2. Winn. 2985. 17ILTN50-ltp SEW1NG MACHINE, WESTINGHOUSE elec . automratie portable; guaranteed. 2$30. Drapes, Ivory Jewrel steve.,6 burn- ers, 2 ovens; 'antique table. Wil, 3336. 171LTN50-tp 8'ý CU. FT. CAPACITY COLDSPOT electriC refrigerator porcelain inside and out, like new. $110. Phone Niles 171LTN50-lte QUEEN ANN DINING ROOM TABLE and four chairs. Folding baby bu~ggy; glider and other articles. Cati Keniliýorth 3999 fur apt. 1îlLTN50-ltp COMPLETE TWIN BEDS, DRESSERS, chests, a table, chairs, velvet drapes and pillows. Exc. cond. Extreniely rea- sonable. Winnetka 1520. 171LTN50O4tp MOVING AWAY. MANY GOOD PCES. of -furn. Very cheap, including: .chcsts, chairs, desks, beds. tables, lampa, pic- tuies and miscel. items. 900 Greenwood, ave., Winn., 'or Mrs. George Van Fleet, 956 Linden ave., Winn. 2067. 171LTU50-tc SATINWOOD BEDROOM SUITE, ELAB- oratoly carved benches, French cabinet, moderr bar, indestructible table, 4 chairs, 4 stools, mirrors, etc. Phone Bittersweet. 2630, . 171LTN50-tp USED DGMiSTiIC. AND ORIENTAL. rugs. 6'9"xl7'6" best Wilton. Bargains in .9'x12'2 and ail other sizes. -..1911 CHUIRCI- ST. t, neavy. 4 îd SE-T. BEI MOVING-MISC. IIOUSEH-OLD FUR- nishings for sale including large size grand Piano, -G. E. refrig., bedrm. set, inner spring mattress., dînette set, drap- eries,. andirons, fire.. cre en and basket, garden tools and lawn mower. Wilmette 3627. 173LTN5-ltp FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 0 F YOUR unnecessary furniture, household et- fects and antiques, PHONE UNI. 0189. CROST FURNITURE STORE, estabiliihed 1098, will.gIve youâr eal prompt atten. tien, for sigle itemns or complete homne. cRUMMAGE SALE. ALSO t. nishings cf 8 rmn. hse, tp jackets,. size 10 and 1l N.size 10. 419 Maple, Win ts. ENGLISH BABY CAR Lp complete, bassinet, si [1) chair. Reasonable. Ph. 1 12 ters on Zuropean Affaira. Schusnigg-My Austria Szeps-My Lite and E]iatory Anecdotes of many famous figures 'in the fields cf polities, diplomnacy, medI-. cine and music told by a woman whose life atretched from the dgys of Franz Joseph to the recent Anschluss. Wiskeinann-Czechs and Germans A timely volume of aCcurate informa-. tion. Beals-Comirng Struggle for Squth Amer- ica Chase-New Eastern Front Mumford-Men Must Act THAT'S D] 'ERN M4axie Rosenbloorr w a s teflmg James Cagney about a night club act. "This guy," he said, "could Alan ate gar STAR PUPIL REA'L ESTCATEt *PORLCELAIN and chairs; 9-1 K12 rug. Phone room I&. [50-Uc j À ette I 1 ýTN50ltp ai description ef th~e ail 16 scomplexlty ROUND C chairs; gas steove. iiworth 18 L4ATEST ornU ,* p1private KS, ALS