a graduate of the American Acad- çmy of Dramatic Art of New York; will rýeview, current New York plays: ...Abe Lincoln. in. Illino.is," ,.oscar Wilde," "Dear. OctopuÉ,", "KXss the Boys Goodbye,": and ilKniçkerbocker Holiday.,wî.th Wal- ter Huston. Mrs. Gerald Pauley and her- committee. Mesdames L. C.' Algoren, J. P.. Barnes;, C. C. Bron- son, R. Bryan, P. W. Cutler, A. Ellmore, H. S. Embre e, H R. Gi, L. D. Hollinger, W. D. Mabie, P. L. Morrison. W. A. Moulton, C. L. Makelim, F. G. McGaw' H. W. Mc- Mrs. Kenneth Kohlstedt will be the leader* with the foflowing. members participating in topic's for discussion: Mrs. J.Augustus,> Mrs. Glenn HIar- grave; Mrs. ohn Dile, Mrs. P. R. Huber, ý Mrs. Harry -Tatinan,. Mrs. Rudolph. Heiser, Mrs. K., P. Jones and Mrs. John-L. Meyer. Mr. aid' Mrs. Frank A. 'Gerould, 431 Essex road, Kenilworth, havere- turned from a two-Weeks' stay. in Asheville, N. C. Enjoy Your 011 Poinfings, to lthe lJlmosl The accumulation of soot and dirt upon a picture is so graduai tha thei owner is unCOnscious of if. And y.t tlus greasy film wili destroy the. color and cause the point ta crack. Painfingst should b. cleaned every few years ta, prevent this damage. Old Crocked Pictures Con',Be Mode -New Many oid pictures are set -aside because the 'owner blie'ves You'II really ,% %i enjoy walking in wnk eS, Üa?8iQn. a't a&* 820 North Tower, Court, West of the Wat.r Tower, Chicago For Your Convenience Phone Glencoe 1939 CIeaningI No Fuss- No W@ury STEVENS, ' i 'I il. -f Âi /l