rTesidence in Wilmette. The bride wore.a; whitetfea a "i lrda wedding -dress and a finger-tip ,eil M.adMs aulR a~r o!tll aseedt cutrs of! or- Of Highland. Park, formerly of Gien- ange osod sw.et e cridwiecoe, announce the marriage -O! their roesan see pas. Miss Evelyn daughter*, Helen Safford Watson, to, Stewart, the bride-groorn's sister and BaetWad Wuasonew, the mâid of honor, was dressed BaYrk adreer CreekamWyof ewd chartreuse chiffon and carried' tal s!ng ork ple ri 8, a.thePalm ma oe.Beach, Fla. Mrs. Wýiilxms for- Charles Kleinoten of Evariston merly lived in Winnetka.. N ex t served as best man, and the ushers week she and Mr. Wiliams are ex- were Uarry Lemmer of Rogers pected for a-visit of several Weeks Park, brother of the bride, and W with- her parents. your.-frniture with oeof Our sir e aeras.Make t bright, and livable for summer. i OSEF F. :STULAC KENILWORTH 5640 562 Green Bay Road Kenilworth to fit Belle-Sha rmeer trick smoothlya along legl d o the *xClusiv. IEDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. Easo DA .SEES c Evanston FN I EDGAR A. STEVENS-, Inc. Evansfon