Chase' of, Evanston, for her mar- niage last Saturday afternoon to Jack.K. Heitman, son o! Mrs. Fred P. Heitmnan, 212 Greenleafl avenue. The bride wore a bouffant white satin weddlng gown and a rosepoijnt veil over tulle fafling from a halo cap. She carried igies of the vafley and white orchids. .7wo tali standards -and one altar vase fled with blue bachelor but- tons and gladioli dyed blue decorated the white chapel of the Wlnnetka Congregational church where the ceremony was performed at 4 o'clock by theé Rev. Samnuel D. larkness. At Skokie Contnry club where àlam men orp riuuiugnter, mary Eliza- Only the members of the two fam- beth, to Donald Essex KimbanI l, iles wttnessed the marriage of Miss, son of the T. Weller Ximbafls of Maxine Mary Kelling, daughter.of 333 Lelcester road, Kenlworth. Mr.. Mr. an'd Mrs.- Max :J. Kelling, 1206 Kimbail and -Miss Davris w*91 be Elmwood avenue, and ,Fred Wil-. mnarried> in August and will livé onl liam Gloede,, son of M£rs. Fred ýW. the near north side lI Chicago. Gloede of Colornia, Wis.,- which took The members of the imbail fami- place at 4 o'clock Saàturday after- ily are now at home after a trip east noon in the rectory of St. Francis for the engagement party. From X avier church. Buffalo Mrs. John L. Porter, Jr.,, Iùùnediatelii followlng the cere- sister of Donald Kimball, accom- mony, performed by the Rtev. Mar- panied Miss Jeanne Kimbail to New tin McNamara, a reception for two-. York and put hier on the train for hundred guests was held, at Shawnee Westover school where she is a stu- Country club, _ 'the, receiving line dent. Mrs. Porter then remained ft forming before two large standards New York for about ten days to placed .,i the bay .window.. of, the, visither armigtonroom A ounge and filled with snapdragons, Mrs. Joseph McGuire of Greenwich. iris and stock, yellow and blue the predominating colors. That evening Before ber ftr~fiD est rs.Pnt.pii4rn, 4L. z ...- -----.. Am -4r*46iiee eruda él the motor trip ta ]NIv-wYork on soie which Mr. and Mns. Jack K. Heit- Aere man departed following t h e i r end- Ison wedding last Saturday aftetnoon. ide- The bride is the former Eloise NEiSS Chazse of Evanaton, the bride- wgiss groom i the son of Mns. Fred P. fo-,Heitman of Wilmette. Evanston for-. is te be their home ivhen theu. Shower for Bride Mrs. William F. McNulty, 527 Cen- tral avenue, ententained at a lingerie showen Wednesday evening of last week for Miss Margaret (BiUly) Lankin of Evanston who is to bej mannied April 29, to Everett Crane1 white net over satin and trimmed with net rosettes. Her tulle veil fefl from a halo of oÏ-atge- blos.. soms, and she carried a bouqueto! white tulips. Ms. ]Robert S. T<llibe- r-rQi nd ina 1 of honor, was was in rose crepe witn a French flowered ha.t and orchid corsage, while Mns. Heitmàn wore blue chif- fon and a corsage of orchids. The best mani was the bride- gnoom's brother, Fred Heitman, and serving as ushens wene Jack Hicks of Kenilworth, Hlarold Nelson of Wil- mette, and Robent Doenk of Dan- Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. MeIlraith of 1100 Greepwood avenue, Wii- mette, announce the marriage of thein daughter, Beth, to Robert Joel Henoch, .Thursday, March 30. Mrs. Henoch. a qraduaite of Can- party was Mrs.A Philadeiphia, here and a houseguest Mardi Bride 3f sme ype Of bouquet and wore iris lni her hair. le Mns. Keflmg, mother of the bride' ýr. was li a gowai o! powder blue chif- fon with fuchsia bat, and gardenia corsage, while Mns. Gloede, mother- o! the bridegroom, wore navy blue crepe with a matching hat and gardenia cosage. 50