urday, ÂMr. and ivrs. L.ester G. Wood,, Jr., left by plane for New York to make their home at rorest Hiî,L. I., The bride, the former jean Ragsdale,, dagghter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Ragsdale of Wilmette, formerly of Winnietka, and Mr. Wood, son of Mn., and, Mrs. LetrG. Wood of Hghland Park, were married Saturdaynoon in the* *Pr eséeeof thelgfamies -and rela- tives ini St. Augustine's Episcopal church, >a reception following at the Orrington botel. *The bride wore aninformal after- noon dress of dusty pink silk crepe, a dark blue. hat with a veil, -and dark blue accessorles. lier corsage was of Easter liles, forget-me-nots, and rosebuds. Both Élhe and Mr. Wood were unattended. Vases holding- Easter liies and - 4nadrgns,. and, dncelabra. wthi lighted tapers decorated the altar of St. Augustine's church, the Rev. H*ubert Carleton performing the ceremony. Mrs. Ragsdale, mnother of the bride, wore a prmnted sheer with black background, a black hat, and a corsage of yeilow rosebuds. Mrs. Wood, also in a silk print, chose a corsage of pink roses. in James Lightbody, Jr., bi Fiancé of Easterner t At a tea given at' their homneini Newton, Mass. , hast Saturday Mn. and Mrs. Grosvenor Calkins, an- nouneed' the engagement of their i Kenilwtorth Gardens, at the netka. Mrs. Reed is sert'ing and Mrs. Dick is among tho, Concert rs club of 'v ,on of Higblai 'IY1er Jewel Speech tici t. T. Reed of Dick of Win- et committee, WiII Sew and. Knit for ir'ez n-Plans for the spring benefit, a ?rncipia suppen dance on Friday, May 26_ 9. Jared at Tam O'Shanter club, wilI be re- 15 pres- ponted upon by Mrs. William Engle- hart, Jr., of Evanston. Mns. G re- the A tea was given Thursday of last week by Mrs. William H. Pptter, Jr., chairman, assisted by MVrs. Ray Johnison, co-chairman, at the.North Shore. Country. club in'Glenview for the members of. the wvomen's, golf comnmittee. Memhers of the committee which has now completed -plans for. spring are: Mrs. . F. Boyle, handicap chairman; Mrs. Allen'Sauter, points: Mrs.ý George T. Clark., prizes: Mrs. Lloyd D. Heth, putts; Mrs. A. E. Tregenza, publicity; Mrs. Lewi.s R. Sams, ringers;, Mrs. Daniel Uppf, teamn captain; Mrs..F. E. Bechstein, twilight-golf; Mrs.KA. L. Salisbury, junior girls. May 9' opens the golf season. As usual the clubhoiuse has re- malned open during the winter. The owomen 'have bqtvled durlng these schedule April 26., The many eques- trians have enjoyed riding over the bridle paths every week-end anid in the indoor ring on Tuesday and Fni- day nights. *The spring luncheon, bridge,, and fashion show occurs April 25, atâd w 111 be ini charge of Mrs. Wayne R. Bellows, bridge chairman and Mrs. * George T. Clark, co-chairmnan. The Sigma Chii Mothers WiII Have Lunch in Maywood The Sigma Chi Mothers' club will hold its regulan monthly meeting on Monday,. Apnil 24,' at the home oéf Mrs." H. H. Roberts, 502 North ;-.1.j