South> Bend li 1936, and, is captain of the Detroit team. Babbish went to the' semni-finals lài the National Inter-collegiate. làst year. The matchSaturday, wifl be 36Q holes with individuel matches in the afternoon, which- willunquestionably see Richardson and Babbish battling it out. This ýsh.uld be a brilliant game to watchA or Richardson last year beat Babbish in an extraordin- ary matchmwhich saw the*two young golfers tied on every bole up to the l8th where they finisbed Richardson 72-Babbish 73. Other Big Teri games to be played at Kildeer Country club are: Northwestern-Michlgan State * Monday. April 24 Nortbwestern-Chicago Monday, May 6 Norhwestern-Michigan Northwesterrn-Notre Dame May 15 The finals of the Big Ten wiUl be played on May 29 and 3th at Kil- deer, and here wiI be some real fireworks. DeHaven Photo Mrs. John D. F~lnn, (above)., jinancial chairman, and the so- cîat -committee of thé St. F rancis schoot Mot hers' club, Mrs. Louis