test, announces. Thie words.were written by Louise Fernald. Rice- of 'Chicago. The win- blng composition. will be lncluded ini a group ýof songs by Mrs . Elliott on. the program featuring Illinois. comnposers oný Mondlay, May 1, at the annual state convention ini Springfield, April 30,. May 1 and 2, with Thelma Olmsted, soprano, Margaret Abbey, violinist, and the composer, at the piano. The, trio ar e members o (f the Lake View Musical societ3r. Other composers. on this same program will, be: Mrs. Eleanor Everest Freer, dean of Amnen- can Women Composers of American Opera, with ,Mae Doellng Schmidt, pianist. Mrs. M. L. Engle, composer, with Gladys Porter, soprano, ini a groupof songs by Mrs. Engle. The following artist members from -clubs ini nore, of Kerilworth, presi- strict of I. F. M. C. an- a good attendance from just'ld sor Contest Moffett, Photo The compose r's cotitest aponsored bl/ the Illinois Federatidn opjMg"iJc,,cig*.hasben won this year 'by Marjorie EUliott (Mrs Charles H. Elliot), 563 Oalcdale avenuoe, Glencoe, it was announced this week. First President of Art League in One-Man Show ýalists, Now among the most distinguished artists ini SOIo- the miiddle west, Mr. Ingerle, who is to be the guest of honor at a reception in the studio next Wednesday night, bas made a reputation as a great painter of the Blue Ridge and Smoky mountains. the sponsorshlp of, the Phi Beta North Shore Alumnae club, are Mis s Irene Marjorie Hulme, soprano; MisÉ Grace Hassel,. dramatist: . Miss Flora Lee, flutist. and Miss Marguerite K olberg, Piano pupil of XKurt Manlech. of Northwestern univers.ty. Miss Hulme, a pupil of Elaiie De Sellem of the Amnican Conservatory of Music, has toured with a vocal group. of eight and has, given two solo recitals. Soloist in a church quartet, she has also appeared as soloist before various clubs and other groups. *Grace Hassel studied at the Ameérican con- servatory -and bas fMIled numnerous engagements for women's clubs. Miss Lee, a pupil of David Van Vactor of the School of Music at North- western university, bas done radio work and is a member of .Northwestern orchestra. The commentator for the afternoon will be . cuss briefly young artists here and abroad and the differences in their training. Mr. Vernon is conductor of the Austin Choral club which appears annually in concert ini Chi- cago, and also conducts the Austin orchestra and the Cosmopolitan School orchestra. A well lnown violin sôloist, for years he toured with his own Vernon String quartet. The program Sunday is the second in a series :unrevogmized. Dale Nichots De fends. Painting, "'Cold Wave" sor Pi