wisin the royal visitors ium E ast- wards fromn Victoria, the Capital of British Columbia. Mrs4. Sprague L. Chapin ýreturned Saturday, to ber home at 236 Laurel avenue ater a six-weeks' trip to Cal- ifornia during which she vlsited her- sister, Mrs. C. A. Griffin, of! Glen- dale, and spent some thnie at the Jan -Francisco fair. CAMP WILLOW1 IAflIand anld water sports, gai iahoreacfr 1iiv. -etie extenaing a cordilinvitation té everyone-to include her great ex-, position ini their vacation trip, this year. .For this magnificent spectacle, es- timated to have cost $50,000,000, there seemed no fitting existmng site, and s0 in the true. spirit of the West, they raised a magic islarnd ini the middle of $an Francisco Bay, com-. manding InspJrlng vlew of both of, the Paci. - By aay, an encnantçea cityr Whoée walls and'towers'recal the Temples of the Mayas, Incas and. Cambodians, by night :a glowmgï fairyland suspended between bay and sky. In no way duplicating but rather complimentlng the New York Fair, this spectacle on. the Pacilie Is mod- ern, forward-looking,. commemor- iris Fer Gils We think that ev- benefit :greatIy fromf one or more summnerg spent in a good camp. Just when that experienices haIll corne of course depend on the chlld. Sometimes it is very impor- tant to send chu-, dren to c amp earlyý, especially when there are co- Bne oriag pro b- Mrrie Leary lemns a n d social attitudes to be, reckoned with. Then again the extremely active nine, ten and eleven year-olds, need camp profitably learning skills and putting this activitytIo some good use at the same time that they are obliged to take the necessary rest and sleep periods. Vital t. Adolescents In the aggregate, nrobably more Fee-M buildings. sur- the West. ;pires and mas- Fb ýed by stately from a 400-foot Amorag )tic flowers and nlo one vis rees fnrm fthemiss are it it that i should ;cience; ,wfttsoeT.rarE. camp placement 1 vited to cQnaiLlt t who is a recoani; sive ei courts Towes- sbrubs ;ervices nent, t o igatiorê d with are in- Leary Initl/ on agaatine. .1