one parent from each village, will award ribbcon prizes in four divisions -individual students, school clubs, faculty members,- and other resi- dents of the township. Thé mem-, bers of the judglng staff are Bar- bara IHypes, Claude Reebie, Joy Smith, and Kenneth Kinnear, stu- dents,. and Mrs. W. H. Dodds of Wil- mette, Mrs. R. J. Wiese of Kenil- worth, J. M. Roger ,of Winnetka, and J. E. Davis of Glencoe. *Hobbies of ail types will be ex- hibited and will range from mechan- ical inventions to varied collections; Two of the most valuable exhibitS ing and science clubs wi exhibit. The committee in charge of ar-. rangements, working under chair- men Betty Baker, Mary Wilder, John Rodger and Bill Dodds, consists of Barbara Hypes, Claude Reebie, Mat- thew Gaffniey, Valerie Adamns, Bey- erly Glenn, Kenneth Kinnear, and Barbara Hymnan., Bredin M. B urns, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Burns, 1218 Glendennmng road,, spent last week-end at home. Bredin is a freshman at the Univer- sity of Illinois. featured by a buffet su] p.m., followed by' "pro"j tion picturées. 6:30 mo- Prior to, the rushing9 party a group of pledges of the University of Chi-ý cago, will be initiated into Sigma Alpha Epsilon. This group will form the nucleus for the re-establishment of the. fraterrnity's chapter, on the Chicago campus. Emory D. Stoker of Evanston is rin charge of the rushing party. plaràÂi. Lauren Foreman, excecutive, secre- tary of the, national fraternity, wi1.1 be host, to the entire group. I *1 t- Rleal Leather Hiandhags 276 DBags $J.99 . 1 - mi b ddsga by PLACE SETING Dinner Knif. Duffer Sprader Dinner Fork Salad Fou Teaspoon cream Soup TATMA NT 707 Church. SI. 1 f/ý -77 Il ý