congressional an~d senatorial bis and suggestions concerning the plight of .Anerican: neutrality, Mr' Diez opened. the way for, questions and general discussion. Accoiding to Mr. Diez the ques-_ tion of American Neutrality' is one of ýutter -complexity, and *cannot be settled with. a hasty "y«es"ý or "1o.99 Any of the'f our plans preseënted for consideration ini any neutrality ac- tion, are accordirig to. Mr. Diez ini- evitably.and necessarily based upon and dependent upon economic condi- tions and welfare..- He suggested that as the individual forms bis. own opinions concerning the stand which the U. S. shall take he hold in mind day evening at the Masonic temple. Bill Cooter and Helen. Seiber, tied for -second place. ' Other contestants wvere Dick Wirtbeimer and Bill Flet- cher. The general topic was 4Privi- leges. and ýResponsibilities of Amer- ican CItizenship." 19 ln Charge Mrs. Clark E. -Nolan Was in charge of the program. She i1S chairman of the. child welfare committe 1e.. She was assisted by Mrs. Jame s Ryan McCue, chairman of theAmerican- ism committee. 1The -winner of theoratorical co'n- test is to 'participate. in the seventh district-tournament inMay. .The Truesdgy evenfing meeting:.wasz Woolleott is Next The hast lecture of the series wihl Mr. and be held on May 9 when Ahexan- Kenilworth der Woollcott wilh speak. Mr. Wooll- Wednesday cott has of late been a frequent Portland, I figure on radio broadcasts, namnely Whidden of the Magic Key, and the Circle. her smallh Radio's Town Crier will present staying at an evening of citertainnient. month. Mr M.iss Myrtie Luidquist of Wilmette Miss Jane1 ng, 256 th, lef t FOR YOUR' I.owin and Garden ÂMOY>FIS3 Gvorden end 1.owu FoefiliIur 100 Ibs. $3-00 wa* lorrneriy last, at the door. Safety Siants By IUaoisq I.Automobile Club Accident Odds: That Pink and White, ittie tot playing on the living- lege campuses. The younger chnl- dren, Margaret and Bob, spent their spring vacation visiting their grand- mother, Mrs. Eugene Larzelere, at her home in Dowagiac, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Carroll Doan. 2030 Greenwood avenue, are the COAL & MA' 1301 LakeAve. CO. e.4200, Sun-Proof Paint gives greater pro- j. S tectoncoupledwith gleaming beauty- covers more surface and wears longer than ordînary' house paint,. Use SUS-PROOF and save money, because it coots less per year of service. Wilmeffe Avenue and Milorganite-* fllood Boue Tankage Special Tree Food Special Turf Fertiier Suiphate of Anuuonial. Lime WiI,.efe 651 .. . ... .Ib.4 At our Two Depelidabie stotes RicgeAve Parmiacy Snide Lake and Rid g. Road Call WPrimte 3 AND Pt. Pkee e -rCazel D rug Wilmëfe md Ceiral Càll WiIýmtt. 400 ~\ ~\y~ SPRUNG SPECIALS i