"SPIRITUAL ACHIEVEMENT THROIJGH THE UNDERSTANDING of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE§§ BY MISS LUCIAC. COULSON, C.S.B. 0OF LONDON. ENGLAND k4mber of fh. Board of Lectureship of Mhe Mother Church,' The Firf Church of Christ, sienist, *In Boto6n, .Massachusettit THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 278 1939. AT 8 0'CLOCK IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE C ENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET Anyone who has not hearçi a Christian Science Lecture or who for sorne other reason is erititled, to a reserved seat may obtain one by applying at the reading room, 1133 Central Ave- nue. Reserved seats 'wiII be held until 7:50 on the evening of the lecture. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND tue oper~nn 0, At a supper E£aster Sunday for, relatives and friends, Mrs. Ar- thurm Montcrnara, 516 Green> Bail road, .I<enitworth, announced the engagement of her daughter, Ethel,' to Walter Nelson, son >of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson of Evanston. The wedding day will be September 2. /Iakes High Mark at B3owling Tournament- and wasi Ibundaty with ner uaughter, ivarcia.-1' From there she went to Tucson W, where Marcia is attending the Uni- versity of Arizona. Beforertr- Rush Butler. Jr., Mrs. Harry Olin, and Mrs. Wendell Clark, Their coi-, mnittees are as 'follows:, Scout Field Exhibits Nature: Maribel Sears, chairman, Bar- bara Jean Kreger, Eleanor Clark, Suz- anne Anderson. Hornemaking: Lucilie, Becker, ch air- man, Nancy, Hoetger, Barbara, Wese, Mary Law. International. Friendshlp: Frances, Petersol., chairman,. Grace Flscher, Rene de La Chfipple. Laura Alice Dodd.- Arts' and Crafts: Eleanor: Jorgenson, Barbara: Bevan, Barbara Cody, Marilyn Paidar. Trable. Settings TroogýIl1: Mary Lou Heiser. chairman. Marilyn ,Oison, Blair Butler, Phylis Wright. Troop VI* Alice Barnes, chairman. Andrea Olin, Jean Eggert. Troop 1: Jane Donaldson. Dawvn Rey- 11olds. Following the .hobby show there wiîll be a performance in which al flrovmnies. ad _codts take part'. A Brownie Packs will Join ini a group of songs. The severnth grade Scouts under the direction of Miss Ruth Briede of Lake Forest, will present a short play entitled, 'u1M#et the Girl Scouts." This play. was writ- ten by Karen Williams, Caroline Stein, and Barbara Weishaar. Miss Phoebe Bleelcer's eighth grade -troop- will be "Minstrels." i ime some of them wil re- their Jack Tar and Sear-in s.T.he sixth grade troor, un- ,he leadership of Mrs. L. P. er wilI demonstrate nature around a camp fire. S' Dorothy Louise Burns.. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert il *Burns, 1218 'Glendenning returned last week-end froni CIGAR~ETTES TOBACCO CANDY GUM SALTED N UTS Formnerly "THE RED CANOLE" *ROY KAYE, Manager irizsd Chiéitian Reading Root». ,,ND VISIT REA»»(GROOM I. Il 4.