P( B4eery, in morrotvai Beachcom -II~ CIoudetf. Colbert Don Am.cIs. - John *orrym~ore in "MIDNIGHT" Starts Suaday curied coiffure. Mi dinner dress of shades of blue ai Ptrec VC#t £L5c s aisarred. "h ffton will vie for top-billng honora. IOuts tanding Print n ' oagi within ;ix rmonths,. Franceaeis faced, with new wa r ,clouds, 'and the. world is electrified, Iwith new and bold headlines made b)y the, French- Italifan. crisis in the Mediterranean. This Month The March of Time tells. this story pictorially, in "Back-. ground For War," which, cornes to Teatro.delLago, starting Friday. To bring this crisis. to. the screen, March of Time's staff cameramen' worked for several months in Tun- isia and throughout the Mediter- ranean area.. TheyI were sent there soon after the "Peace of Munich,"' when it was apparent that Europe's No. 2 Man, flenito Mussolini, was to have the next spotlight. Fast-Movlng Events most drama tic story as it traces the fast-moving events which lè'd up to Mussolini's sudden demand for French Tunisia. The film shows how Mussolini with carefully planned propaganda has been stirring up hatred and magnifying the griev- ances of the Moslemn natives in bis determinatbon to undermine t h-e French control of Tunisia. [le, 1àIe LIt It- ver a blue groundc Toclay the French people are a a'shapes and varieties of, little aroused and are prepared to stand nd leaves are scattered in a windblown behind Daladier, for this tÎme it is ~h- pint effect. The dress bas a draped, Fec o ta-s' hetnd tly surplice bodice wlth very short "Background For War" is a sig- im puffed, cap sleeves. The skirt is nificant film record, flot only because in fuil and bias with a vivid girdie of it is informative, but because it tsse-weight calfskin in summer. brings t.o the sreen real-life draina- green, faced in blue to match the tic action. blue of the pririt. a -ELLIS TO CARRy ON~ I J.,"