ably irom mthezuovie version, anda1' is generally regarded as a. lot more fun. 11 Brooks Atkinson of the New York 'Times, said of it; "Moss Hart and George Kaufman have written their most.thoroughly ingratiating corne- dy. Teyhv never scooped up'an eVenn fsc ick!ing fun,." While Gilbert W. Gabriel of the'Ne.w York Ameérican, wrote; "Here they give. us perhaps the lightest thin g they've done in duet. They've seldorn been' funnier, prankier, collected so many caricatures, o! the, humnan race with such cr azycat bodies, such thistie- dowri souls." And the record break- ing run o!, "You Ca't Take it With You, " proved, these: and other çritics to be correct in. their praise .of it. AÀssembles Al-Star Cast Marie. Fischer- Perkins. has as-, sernbled an ail-star cast for the1 pla, and has, given il the best of lier splendid ability as a director. Ruth H.oa gland and her assistants î have the set ready, :the actors have had their lines m 1e#nodzeâ' forover Iwo weeks, and everythi.ng is set to, go! Those not holding season tick-, ets, may purchase single admission' tickets at the door. The cas't is as follo%,ws' Penelope Sycamore........ Helen Faville Essie,...... .... Edith Snowden-Scharff Rheba ......... _...... Eulalea Barker Paul SScamore....... Samuel S. Vernon Mr. De Piî.na .......... Frank Farnham J Ed............... Nixon De Tarnowvsky: Donald ............. Richard C. Bleloeh Martin Vanderhof....... Samuel S. Otis *Mrs. Lester W. Elias. 817 Central avenue, her daughter, Molly, and son, Johnny, left Friday for Buf- falo, N.Y.. to visit Mrs. Elias' daughter, Mabel. Mrs. Elias and Johnny are staying a week, and Molly will remiain. Her father is going to New York next week and will bring her home May 1. Ac- .cornpariying Mrs. Elias will be Mrs. F. M. Hamilton of Evanston who is motoring as far as Buffalo. and then Dahl Photo "Sheiia of 'WisaEnd,"'" a IrishZ setter oumed by 'Mrs. Franklin Pierce, 1000 Ridge ,-oad, WU% nette, wvon first place ini the novice clas ut the 38th annual International Kennet club exhibit in Chicago on AprU Il and 2. iur. fDy... Three Len... Olga . . . .. ... YOU'LL SW ICo IT with a quiet, sweet-runnirdg car after this spring conditioning service at your Standard Oil Dealer's. H-e'Il drain out winter oil and refitl, your crankcase with fresh, sturdy Iso-Vis, Stanidard's pre- miium quality motor oil. But that's not ail. *Many Standard Oil Dealers are.