en.Mrs. Margaret Eppig and :her Dale Chronic, son of Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Rita, 827 Ashland ave- G. E. Chronic, 521 Sixth street, un- nue, who spent the wmnter season at derwent a tonsiflectomy at the Ev- Phoenix, Ariz., returned home last. anston hospital Saturday morning.1 week-end. ers. They are only two, games out of the lead. At the rate they have been '-gin-tey have a good chance to corne, out on top. Out of the last forty-two games they have won thirty- one and lost eleven.. Dick Miller took' top honors for the evenling with 'a seriez of 688. After failing to reach the 200 mark for a morith, he stepped out and rolled three of themn in one series. He had games o! 213. 23 and 289. That's knocking themn over Dick. Other members of the two hundred club last week were S. Steffens 222, Ph. Blese'r 213, J. Holshelmer, M. Kneip, E. Shanahan and P. Bleser, 207, M. Braum and E. Bles er 203, ýR. Rengle 202 and T. Hermes 200. *Standings to date are: W. L. Pct. Ace Motors......... 53 34 .609 corators.. ýe........... ............... aijors........ ticians .. t& Glass ieatre....... r, Jr......... 34 .60 36 1 .-s 38 .56 .39 .55 39 .55 44 .49 44 .49 45 .48 45 .48 46 .47 46 .47 47 .46 49 .43 50 .42 .50 .42 secretary. charge' and the iNorthwestern band adding -to the football atmosphere. Fifty players. including a dozen let- termnen and a large group o!: fresh- men have participated in spring practice this'year.. The .coaching, staff has concentrated its attention on the newcomers who by now are becomingversed in the Wildcat style of play. Among the veterans who 'have turned out for practice this sprin)g and who will be divided between the two teamîs in the final game are Ollie Hahnenstein,; Paul ;Soper, 'Iggy Mesec-and Dlick -Richards, backs:, Paul, Hiemenz, center; Ha1 Method and Don ýGuritz, guards; Nick Cut- lich, Frank Young and Corne Aarts, tackles, and Ted Grefe, end. The game will be the first varsity 'appearantle of the f*esmeTl, a -num- ber of whom are waging, strong fights for, positions on next fall's teari. 'Among the. backs who have turned in promising performances this spring are Bill DeCorrevIont, former Austin high school star; Don Kruger of Fenwiek high sohool, Chicago; -Floyd Chambers o! Sait Lake City; Ike Kepford of Muskegon.. Mich.: J,3ulqvclu Lu wa ilatlulluiti Ai hicago and Dave .Ringwalt of Oak- the shake-up as they took two ou o ley, Kansa s,. taekes; George Mag- Hrdw ae whomhapeollandhWattgos of Chicago and Merrill Heagy Hardarewho ad reviuslwasl of Aurora, guards; William Swigert first plac~e. Tom Lynch Boosterss of Evanston and Duane Clemond of another two-game winner as they Storm Lake, Iowa, ends. took on McDaniel. Candy company. _______________ High individual game of the evening was rolled by Lechner of Del Bonnem * LEGION LEAGUE Tailors as he finished the evening Artillery t oo k ail three games work-out with 225. High teamn series frorn Torpedoes anid came up out 33 36 37 44 sin- game,