Discontinued 1938 Model Guaranteed Profect Kroydon, one of America's finest makers, accumulates a number of sets of their current stock, left over when the new modela are introduced. Our huge volume enables Kroydon to sell them through us, exclusively. KROYDON WOOD saidn Ea aa aiy Qiginal eida Model 90 SmaUl Cherry Head .....$37.50 92 Medium 1ge. WaInut Hd..$37.50 82 Medium Lge. Walnut Hd.. $30.00 62 Extra Large Head .. ... .$30.00 86 Large Black Head ...... $25.50 $19.50 $19.50 $16.50 Famous "Par" Oval CANVAS GOLF BAGS Model 100 90 90 8a Set Set Set Set Se of 9 Irons of 9 Irons of 6 Irons of 9 Irons Original Price ..........$90.00 ......... .$75.00 . .....$50.00 ..........$75.00 Sale Price $58.50 $49.50 This Model $8.95 Ili, 53 . àa-