FIY CENTS A COPY : i1 Nom .mwriaI mua treA <edio ConoMibona houdd beor oui ia for referee and flot noecara leT pu APRIL 13, 1939 - Consgervatioft Week Lieut. Gov. Steile, during the absence of Governor Horner, issued a Proclamation settig aside this week, April 9 to 15,, as conservation week, during which such aid as citizens may be enabled to give té the principle of conservation,: especiallIy wild life, will be directed toward education. The re realy is not much that the villa ger can do beyond lending his moral support. Practical support must corne from the office of the state director of conservation a ê-h-g ardens, through the eforce- ment of. existing laws. When conservation of wild lîfe is men- tioned in this locality the mind just natur- ally turns to birds. The heavy natural for- ests of the north, shore attract many species of 'feathered beauties wbich either spend the summer here or stop temporarily to break the journey to points farther north. streamilined. automoUes and, raiiroaa, trains, but a Massachusetts fellow got a patent on the idea 'way back in 1865, when Lincoln was Presàdent. We look upon rock wool insulation for homes as the concep- tion of some brilliant present-day scientist, but it dates back to'1881. Safety -glass that motor car manufactuùrers yell s0 loudly" about was jatented in 1906. You have tô go. back to 1886 for the filrst artificial s ilk which will soon be put on the shelves of our stores. Piroud of your synchronized electric dlock? Sowere those Germans who used them first in 1895-.> Maybe we'are not so smart«after al. And maybe, too, the folks of the horse and buggy days were flot so dumb. Thrrnks! *Thanks of the taxpayers are *due the' New Trier Township board for the welcome fact that there wll be -no township tax levy for 1939. That. there is ample funds on hançt to take care of ail running expenses and in addition the relief cost, is a matter for congratulation., Even though the levy No need to shied sympathetic tears for the baby chicks and ducklines purchased by doting parents for tiny «tots on Easter. They, are prob- ably all dead by now. Itmakes no difference to Un cle Samn whether you get the money leeally or illegaily.- If you get, it, yoü had better split with himii--or:else. Our store of Information is greater-ýand richer -than on thé ouenfing day v.of the.we.ek. That Is because a book.' It 'was -a borrowed book, and we had said. when. it was offered, that we wolild read it., And we meéant to read it., to-smeine.No hurrv about it. It lav close at hand. but the mood for reading wasnowhere near. However. we picked up the book and idly ieafed its pages, nôting the chanter headings and glancing at a sentence here and there. Like Most, paQe flewe leafed Jt frorn the lback, and. rmachine the introduction read the onening sen- tence, "Europe's. conscience has declined stead- ily over a period of one hundred years." We .completedl the introduction. Read the first chap-. ter, then the second, the third. earh more avidly than its predecessor, flot laving the book aside until we had devoured its last gripping word. T'he book is titled, "Eurorve's Conscience in De- chine." Its author i8 Charles E. Shulman, Rabbi of North Shore Congregation Israel at Glencoe. as the muskrat, mink, weasel which do no particular harm touch of nature to sloughs strea2ns. and others, and add a and smahl Non-Voting Votera of schools or 'parks to return to the con- tests which brought out. a large vote? Justification If any justification of the acts of those wiho have pressed incessantly for improve- ment of Wilmette harbor were needed, it surely may be found in the number of Every time we read .o! a 1 ollywood romance we look for the rock on which'it is to be broken. liction holding interest as long as à Une of the text reniains unread. We recommend its read- ing, and regret that the copy we have is bor- rowed. We are in honor bound to return it. The national debt passed the $40,000,000,O0 mark on, of ail days, April 1. The populace has certainly been fooled. "Mussolini Concentrating troops off Turkey," a dispatch states. And with Thanksglving a long way off.